New Years Go Resolutions
- Same stuff as last year.
- Play more (easy?).
- Think during games
- Count during games
- Get to 4kyu on the EGF list
- Study tsumego more than SL.
- Count more frequently, especially before a potentially risky tenuki.
- Stop trying to win by 30 points; instead, play according to principles of Winning A Won Game.
- Learn to trust reading more; stop playing moves that I read don't work, hoping that my reading is incorrect.
- Don't play bizzare moves just to see if they work.
- do more TsumeGo
- play more on Tygem
- read at least 5 moves ahead always (now I sometimes read 20, sometimes 0)
- be less addicted to my stones/territory
- become german champion ;)
- visit a korean baduk school and learn much there
- keep up the German Insei School
- develope a prototype of the Ultimate Go Server
- do more TsumeGo
- play more
- be less angry after losing
- replay pro games
- become 2d (currently 3k)
- do more
go problems
- think more before moving
- transition from 9x9/13x13 to 13x13/19x19
- get a couple of teaching games
- try new openings
- get less stressed while starting a KGS game
- make it to 18K (now 25K)
- Count during games
- Think during games
- (Shamelessly stolen from Ian) Count during games
- Play more, Kibitz less
- Avoid aji keshi and thank you moves
- Count during games (yes, me too)
- Win at least one game everyday.
- 1 dan by end of 2004 (4k now)
- 95% in Cho chikun's Encyclopedia of L&D, elementary level.
- Learn to read (well ok, I might occasionly read ahead a few moves, but that not nearly enough)
- Count (me three ^_~)
- Play at least a few games per week.
- reach 5k by end of year 2004. (now 11k as of 17 jan 2004)
..... don't think i can reach that goal at all. i am now at 15k.......... :( ...
*commits cyber hara-kiri. drops dead. drools a river of blood*
Fhayashi: Here are my New Years Go Resolutions:
- Don't play blitz
- Use my time
- When considering whether a group needs a move to be defended or not, count the score
- Count the score more often
- Play different fuseki
- Read out more than two moves ahead
- Learn to attack to make territory...don't get caught up in trying to kill.
- Play more often.
- Continue practicing Life and Death, daily if possible, even if only a dozen problems a day.
- Play a lot of blitz
- Work on intuition
- Rely less on reading
- Count more often
- Reach european 5d level strengthwise
- Play at least twice a week
- tenuki (much) more
- evaluate the score more during the middlegame; evaluate moves more in the endgame
- worry about rating less, playing good moves more.
- Play more, theorise less
- More emphasis on shape
- Count more
- Consider reducing instead of invading (depends on counting too)
- Play more
- Watch more
- Pay attention to what im watching
- Chat in moderation
- Play every day (or as close to it as is reasonable)
- Become more consistent (I think I vary by 6-8 stones from my worst to best games day-to-day)
- Don't get flustered when doing poorly; relax and have fun
- Count better, faster, more
- Stop using Go as an excuse not to sleep (i.e. find another excuse)
- Stop playing aji keshi
- No more cargo cult go
- Review more pro games
- Learn how to count
- Play calmly, patiently, and peacefully
- Invade less
- Read farther ahead
- Play super slow
- Catch up to kamyszyn on KGS
- Learn to read better on real boards
- Learn how to use influence
- Improve my opening game
- Improve my middle game
- Improve my endgame
- What chrise said
- Slow down a bit
- try to be a be a bit less hyper
- tenuki more
- cut more
- win more ^_^