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Hi im Zalf my real name is Chris im from USA.Im now married to my wonderfull panda wife Xandi who i love with all my heart =)I LOVE YOU HONEY!!!.Im 16 years old , 5 kyu, and have been playing go for about 7 months now. I started in july 19,2003 were i would hang out in the beginners room and lose all my games. Until I met holosys, he was 19 kyu at the time and didn't know so much but knew enough to help me get by. I remember when he was teaching about influence he said "the go stones are like big lights that shine on the board" the first time I understood something. from that point on I kept learning .

I live in southern indiana and there are no close go clubs around me if so tell me!!!!!!!

If you play any other games such as battlefield1942 ,command and conquer generals , counter strike , halo please tell me on kgs my name is well ya Zalf and i'm on almost 24/7

<=====================People To THANK===========================>

Xandi- helped me more than anyone ever in my life. She has made me happier and so glad to have her. I love you so much ^_^ and i have the most to thank from you =).

Adante - this guy is an awesome teacher helps me out in bad times

Proto - very funny guy makes me laff through the hard times

Laser21 - my best friend out of everyone hes always there to help me and have fun also he plays gunbound with me :D

Seig - real cool guy he is another good friend i like to call him kirby for doing the kirby dance a lot

Zalrog - this guy is awesome almost a shodan on kgs hes my age to! but better than that hes a real nice guy and very helpful

RedRover - Funny guy sometimes a little annoying but he's still really cool :D

Neil - my first friend on kgs he started about same time i did and was always hanging around me hes a cool guy and a good player

Koosh - coolest gun slinging squirrel around. ^_^

Neil: Hello! It surprises me that you've only just come here. What study materials were you using to improve so fast if not this site?

Zalf: To be honest I don't really study at all me dumb study no fun ^_^. basicly i learned my way from watching and listening seems to have helped me out a bunch :)

Zalf last edited by on January 25, 2015 - 21:15
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