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I'm [ext] James A. Crippen. I'm a computer science major intending to do research in computational linguistics (the application of computers to linguistic problems, mainly syntax. I'm just starting to get into Go. I haven't joined any of the net Go servers yet, but I was thinking of getting on KGS but my client (Goban on MacOS X) doesn't seem to support it.

I enjoy hacking Lisp, learning modern and classical Japanese, studying classical juujutsu, absorbing various aspects of Japanese culture, parsing, and studying complex systems. I like to learn. I also like editing Wiki pages.

Neil - KGS uses its own server and protocol so you are supposed to use the supplied CGoban2 client. The developers of KGSueMe seem to be trying to reverse engineer the protocol with some success, but the screenshots don't seem to show a finished client yet.

TJ: KGS develops client and server together with each release. The old CGoban was a previous development for pre-existing servers. CGoban2 is the one you need, it is Java as well. KGSueMe, if it's even real...well, first I ever heard of it. It isn't supported, almost certainly, though you'd have to ask wms for sure, KGS is pretty much his baby. Welcome to SL, and I hope to see you on KGS sometime soon!:)

Chestnut last edited by Phelan on August 4, 2006 - 20:29
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