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I was born 1970 in south Germany and I first saw a go board when I was 12. My father bought it (not knowing what go was) and we looked at the rules. The rules were too complicated for my father and I had nobody to play with.

6 years later, two friends of mine, to whom I tried to explain the game played with me over years. It was funny - we played our own style, getting somehow better and better but noone thought of buying a book and adopting sort of common style. Years later, when I first played against a "serious" player - of course - I had no chance, But I finally got infected...

Now I seriously try to get better. In the last half year I have grown quickly from roughly 12k to 7k, (perhaps thanks to my long experience). But now I feel that I'm stuck...

I like to play fast, I'm especially weak in tactics.

Besides go I love Jazz (I play Saxophone and piano)

Hi Matt,

(please delete after reading)

It is fairly common to get stuck after such a long period of self teaching. How is your BasicInstinct ?

Have fun at the library.


Mat last edited by Unkx80 on June 10, 2002 - 06:48
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