
    Keywords: Clubs & Places, Software, Online Go

Tygem is a Korean Go server.

English client

For Tygem, there is an English client available, namely Tygem Baduk. Since each Tygem client connects to the same server, you will be able to view and play the same games as you would with the Korean client. There is an English client app for a iPad and Android.

Installation on linux (using wine) is possible (as 14.01.2017 on ubuntu 16.04) Instructions:

sudo apt-get install wine winetricks libjpeg62 libasound2-plugins
wget [ext] http://download2.tygembaduk.com/down_tygem/setup/TygemGlobalSetup.exe
wine TygemGlobalSetup?.exe

I think the correct link is: [ext] http://download2.tygembaduk.com/down_global/setup/TygemGlobalSetup.exe

winetricks mfc42  # this will help if mfc42.dll is missing
wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/TygemGlobal?/InstallTygem?.exe
wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/TygemGlobal?/TygemGlobal?.exe

Server Rules & Features

  • Japanese Counting is used for all games, with 6.5 Komi for white.
  • ByoYomi is used for the time system.
  • Escape Policy: If a player disconnects during a ranked game, he/she has 5 minutes to reconnect, or will automatically lose the game. Disconnecting more than 5 times will also result in a loss.
  • Before playing a game, players can agree on using a 'score estimator' and 'undo'. By default 'undo' is not possible, and 'score estimator' is used.
  • Unlike KGS, game settings are agreed upon after agreeing on playing, such as time setting.

Time Settings

Though custom ByoYomi setting are possible, the following are the defaults and frequently used:

  • Fast: 10 minutes, 3x 30 seconds ByoYomi
  • Normal: 20 minutes, 3x 30 seconds ByoYomi
  • Long: 60 minutes, 3x 30 seconds ByoYomi

Rank Comparison

Since both Tygem and KGS are subject to rank shifts and trends, comparing ranks is difficult or maybe impossible.

Most discussion on the internet agree on that a 9d on Tygem could be anything between 7-8 dan KGS and 9 dan professional player.

Anonymous: I believe you'll find this article interesting [ext] http://go-news.blogspot.com/2007/04/how-strong-are-tygem-stars.html

Anonymous: Who is kgs 9 dan then, a go god or 10 dan professional? Tygem has all the strongest players including pros around the world.

Anonymous: Opponent selection can have a huge influence on movements within a ranking system. Opponents who typically play at different times of day and have the same rank might have a significant difference in playing skill. The comparison with KGS ranks suggests a large variation on Tygem, but I have no knowledge of whether this is true.


Tygem last edited by hnishy on June 19, 2024 - 05:05
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