Welcome to the Vancouver Go Players page. Since there are character limitations for both users and rooms on KGS, I felt it would be better to put all the room information on Sensei's and have a link from the room. Hopefully we can get more people involved with our room.
This page is meant to be a convenient place where club members can look up information regarding their local area's Go clubs and related materials. Anyone can join.
For additional information, please visit Vancouver.
If you have any new information or updates regarding the material on this page, please feel free to add/change it. LeeHungLo
Tobamf aka LeeHungLo - Micha Pringle
Flyingfox - Joe
Blueshade - Will
Peterium -Peter
eeraser - Eric Liu
Liuzy - Tirta
Stieltjes - Ben
Gougou - Theodore
khan - RussellKhan
fivekiller - aihara
Thehunter- Juyong koh
como- Jimmy Chu
GP01- David Yao
crackers- Cindy
Analysis - Clark
AlvinTam- Alvin
loaqeu - James
TJman - Tian
IlanKeshet? - Ilan
aprilapple - April
Aldohexose - Steven
saisueye - Howard
Blackblitz - Allen
Path - Alex Zhang
badukboy - CK Song
After logging on to KGS using the CGoban client, go to Rooms -> Room list -> Clubs -> Van Go.
Spring 2015: Fridays; 3:30 - 7:30 at AQ 5017
Free admission
8888 University Drive, Burnaby
Active during Fall, Spring and Summer semesters
Facebook page
Contact Path on KGS for more info.
UBC Go Club
Free to play
Membership: Free 2010-2011
Tuesday 3:00pm - 6:00pm and Friday: 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm - Location SUB 42T (2010-2011)
Not active during summer (May-August)
2329 West Mall, Vancouver. Go to the Student Union Building, by the bus loop.
Email: ubcgoclub@gmail.com
Vancouver Go Association
Every second Saturday 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
For details,http://www.geocities.jp/qxbqd097/Vango2.htm
Nikkei Centre
6688 Southoaks Crescent, Burnaby
$5 drop-in, $80 annual
email: komodo@telus.net
Junior Vancouver Go Association
For children 5 - 12 years old
Every second Saturday 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Nikkei Centre
6688 Southoaks Cresent, Vancouver
$5 per child, Parents must accompany!
email: komodo@telus.net
Vancouver Go Meetup Group
Meetings are held downtown and at metrotown on Tuesdays, and at Main and Broadway on every second Sunday.
Warriors GO Academy
Training Times: 10.00am - 12.00pm every Saturday
Douglas Recreation Center, Langley, Bc
290 Keefer Street -
They say they don't carry go stuff as of 16 April 2007
268 Keefer Street ("Chinese Flea Market"), upstairs, "Art Supplies"
Best in Chinatown! Real Yunzi stones for $25, decent cheap boards for $6 (Chinese Chess on reverse as usual). Just the Chinese-style as far as I saw, but they might order biconvex. Comes complete with straw baskets that online shops charge additional for.
Note: Just went there recently, they were out of Yunzi stones. The owner said that the next shipment of Yunzi will be in 2010
149 East Pender - A+A Oriental Dept Store
122 East Pender - N & S Trading Co.
They carry portable sets. A little one for $14, and a bigger one for about $40. Very basic, no magnets.
130 East Pender - The Potters Wheel Gift Shop
Has a really nice red board (about .75 inch thick) for 25 dollars. Comes with glass "art bead" (cheap) stones. Also carry what look like Yunzi, but probably not--label says "QMT" on it. Anyone know what these are?
Iwase Books, Yaohan Centre (second floor)
Usually one or two Japanese folding boards and basic stones (look in the glass cabinet where they keep the denki jiten and Doraemon toys). Also carries selection of Japanese language go and shogi books, including a range from Kobayashi Koichi.
106-4501 North Rd. Burnaby - Hannam Supermarket Inc.
Has cheap Glass Korean stones (small) for about 10 dollars and smaller folding board that fits only with the smaller stones. Good to carry, but no magnets.
Make by:Alvin Tam
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