KGS Rooms / Fight Club

Sub-page of KGSRooms

Welcome to the Experiment!


  • If you're interesting in joining our experiment PM Ambiguous or NoRatingX.
  • Rooms -> Room List

Room overview

The goal of this room is to see if the ranking system will eventually assign correct ranks to players who have never played anyone who has played anyone with any kind of rank.

Room rules

0. Rated games can only be played with other members of this room. See the member list at the bottom.

1. Rated games can only be played by players who have with no rank [?] vs other players with no rank [?].

2. Rule 1 can be broken if the opponent has a rank [x?] and the opponent has never broken rule 1.

3. Rule 2 can be broken if the opponent has a rank [x] and the opponent has never broken rule 2.

How to play rated games

Since this room is private, you cannot actually have rated games in the room itself. Please fan list all other members, because you don't know what other rooms they may have game offers up in! (This is the fight club aspect of the room).

How to quit the room

If you decide you no longer want to be part of the expirement, stop using the account you made for the Fight Club room. If it is your only account, just make a new KGS account and play as you like with it.

How will we ever get rated?

  • Phase 1: At first we will only play other club members. During this phase, no one will get a rating since we're all [?]
  • Phase 2: We will allow members to play non-members who are still [?]. These non-members will naturally go on to play other rated games and get a rating. This will then reflect back on all our club members.

Member List (use minor edit for this)

Room admins are **'ed

  • Ambiguous **
  • aries22
  • CatsPaw?
  • DeepHell? **
  • JWPioneer
  • NoRatingX **
  • paintcan **
  • papasmurf

KGS Rooms / Fight Club last edited by on April 22, 2007 - 21:34
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