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My real name is Micha Pringle and I live in Vancouver, BC in Canada. My fascination with Go is largely due to the enjoyment I get when watching high level players play. I have played mostly on KGS, but I have also tried IGS, Tom Go Server and wBaduk. On KGS, I play using the accounts Tobamf, LeeHungLo and Account. I have also watched under my humor accounts ChoChicken and SmellMyBum. The KGS admins didn't appreciate the latter account.
I am the creator and co-author of the TiTsShu humor page and the KGS Rooms / Van Go Room, a page designed to help Vancouver Go Players access clubs in Vancouver. I also improved the instructions for Tom Go Server, when I set up my own account there. I am currently the assistant manager of [ext] The Vancouver Go Meetup Group.

KGS History

I signed up on KGS on Oct 3 2002, and started playing Go regularly on Oct 4 2002, as Tobamf. Prior to this, I had played a handful on 9x9's at Simon Fraser University, where I first learned of the game. I have laid out my Go progression here for the Tobamf account. For clarity, I have limited my ? ranks to my first ? rank, and my first numbered ? rank received. All other ranks reflect the first date I acheived the rank specified.

Date            | Rank   | Days   | Ranked | All     | All
                |        | Played | Games  | 19x19's | Games
                |        |        | Played | Played  | Played
Oct 4, 2002     | [?]    | 1      | 0      | 2       | 6
Oct 5, 2002     | [26k?] | 2      | 2      | 5       | 13
Oct 22, 2002    | [28k]  |        |        |         |
Oct 29, 2002    | [27k]  |        |        |         |
Nov 1, 2002     | [26k]  |        |        |         |
Nov 7, 2002     | [25k]  | 35     | 30     | 63      | 122
Nov 11, 2002    | [24k]  |        |        |         |
Nov 26, 2002    | [23k]  |        |        |         |
Dec 2, 2002     | [22k]  |        |        |         |
Dec 12, 2002    | [21k]  |        |        |         |
Dec 25, 2002    | [20k]  | 83     | 48     | 91      | 242
Jan 1, 2003     | [19k]  |        |        |         |
Jan 17, 2003    | [18k]  |        |        |         |
Feb 6, 2003     | [17k]  |        |        |         |
Feb 26, 2003    | [16k]  |        |        |         |
Mar 27, 2003    | [15k]  | 175    | 97     | 193     | 533
Apr 4, 2003     | [16k]  |        |        |         |
Apr 5, 2003     | [15k]  |        |        |         |
Apr 23, 2003    | [14k]  |        |        |         |
May 12, 2003    | [13k]  |        |        |         |
May 29, 2003    | [12k]  |        |        |         |
May 31, 2003    | [11k]  |        |        |         |
Jun 18, 2003    | [10k]  | 258    | 119    | 283     | 694
Oct 6, 2003     | [9k]   | 368    | 176    | 396     | 860
Dec 4, 2003     | [8k]   | 427    | 177    | 420     | 922
Apr 24, 2004    | [7k]   | 568    | 205    | 518     | 1102
May 27, 2004    | [6k]   | 602    | 208    | 529     | 1119

Games of Interest

Fundamental questions to ask at every move

1 Do I need to defend? (not complete, running and moving into the centre need to be added)

  • If yes, then can I defend by capturing or chasing?
    • If I can defend by capturing, then:
      • Is the capture the firmest most efficient move?
        • If yes, then capture the group.
        • If no, then go to defend by chasing.
    • If I can defend by chasing, then:
      • Is the chase the firmest most efficient move?
        • If yes, then chase the group.
  • Otherwise, defend your group locally with the firmest, most efficient move.

2 What big move is available? (especially the opening)

  • Is there something I need to respond to, that is too good to pass up? (i.e. I have a wall and can use it to attack or extend from).
    • If yes, play the move.
  • Is my corner stone approached? (i.e. 3-3, 4-4 points)
    • If yes, start again at question 1, with defend = yes.
  • Is there an empty corner?
    • If yes, play the empty corner.
  • Is there an unfinished corner of my own? (i.e. single stones on the 3-4, 3-5 and 5-4 are unfinished corners)
    • If yes, finish the empty corner.
  • Is there a 2 stone unfinished joseki in the corner that is to your advantage? (i.e. 1 stone of yours, 1 of the opponents, and you have sente to play there)
    • If yes, play in that corner.
  • Is there an approach available to an opponent's corner?
    • If yes, approach the corner.
  • Is there a large move on the side?
    • If yes, play the move on the side.
  • Is there a large move in the centre?
    • If yes, play the move in the centre.

Current Studies

* under construction

Don't Forget

* under construction

Tobamf last edited by on January 26, 2015 - 07:03
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