KGS Rooms
On the KGS server every game is played in a room. Upon logging into KGS, one is immediately placed into one or more rooms. It is not possible to play a game, chat, or perform any other function on the server outside of one of the rooms. By default, one is placed in both the Open Games room and the English Game Room, if one's client is running on an English language locale operating system.
Rooms are accessible through the Rooms menu, which is where new rooms can be created as well.
KGS has several types of rooms:
Open Games: all games with only one player are listed in the Open Games room, thereby allowing all players on KGS to find a listing of players looking for a game.
Public: anyone on the server is free to join or leave Public Rooms.
Private: only people specifically allowed may join Private Rooms.
Rooms are grouped according to their typical usage:
Main: the main language-selected rooms, of which the English Game room is one.
New: newly created rooms that might last only as long as a user is present.
Lessons: teaching and study, sometimes run by teachers for hire.
Tournaments: KGS and club tournaments.
Clubs: with memberships.
Social: places to hang out. Might be informal clubs. See KGS Clubs.
National: places for people with national or regional affiliations and interests.
Some of these rooms are described on subpages:
Index of sub-pages |