IGF Members
Members of the International Go Federation.
Information sourced from the IGS site in 2021.
See the relevant pages on Africa,
the Americas,
Europe and
Note that the IGF pages have links to the association / federation websites (though not in all cases).
Take note also that although this page is aliased as List of Associations and List of Federations, it's not a list of all Go groups that call themselves associations or federations.
The Asian countries of Armenia, Israel and Kazakhstan are all listed by the IGF as European members. Turkey and Azerbaijan are also identified as European.
The Kansai Ki-in is not affiliated to the International Go Federation. That could be due to the IGF's foundation in Tokyo and presumable links to the Nihon Ki-in, or more prosaically because the IGF might only be allowing one federation of each country to join, hence why Go Federation Russia isn't a member.
The "Chinese Taipei Go Association" is an organisation for amateurs in Taiwan and different from the Taiwan Qiyuan.
Argentina ( Asociación Argentina del Juego de Go / AAGO, aka Argentine Go Association)
Armenia ( Armenian Draughts and Go Federation)
Australia (Australian Go Association) ( website)
Austria ( Go Verband Österreich)
Azerbaijan ( Azerbaycan Qalaqapi Federasiyasi)
Belarus ( Belarusian Go Federation)
Belgium ( Belgische Go Federatie, aka Belgian Go Federation / BGF)
Bosnia and Herzogovina ( Go Asocijacija Bosne i Hercegovine)
Brazil ( Brasil Nihon Kiin)
Brunei (Brunei Darussalam Go Association) ( website)
Bulgaria ( Bulgarian Go Association)
Canada (Canadian Go Association / CGA) ( website)
Chile ( Federación Chilena de Go, aka Chilean Go Federation) [1]
China (Chinese Weiqi Association) ( website)
Chinese Taipei, ie. Taiwan ( Chinese Taipei Go Association)
Colombia ( Asociación Colombiana de Go)
Costa Rica ( Asociación Deportiva de Go de Costa Rica)
Cuba ( Federación Cubana de Go)
Croatia ( Hrvatska Igo Udruga)
Cyprus ( Kypriakos Syndesmos Go, aka Cyprus Go Association)
Czechia ( Ceska Asociace Go), aka Czech Go Association
Denmark ( Dansk Go Forbund)
Ecuador ( Asociación Ecuatoriana de GO)
Finland ( Suomen Go-liitto)
France ( Fédération Française de Go, aka French Go Federation)
Georgia ( Georgian Go Federation)
Germany ( Deutscher Go-Bund, aka German Go Federation)
Guatemala ( Club de Igo de Guatemala)
Hong Kong (Hong Kong Go Association) ( website)
Hungary ( Magyar Gószövetség)
Iceland ( Íslenska Gofélagiđ, aka Icelandic Go Association)
India ( Indo Amateur Go Association) [2]
Indonesia ( Federasi Igo Indonesia)
Iran ( Baduk Assocation of I.R of Iran)
Ireland (Irish Go Association) ( website)
Israel ( Israel Go Association, on SL as Israeli Go Association)
Italy ( Federazione Italiana Giuoco Go)
Japan (Nihon Ki-in) ( website)
Kazakhstan ( Kazakhstan Go Federation)
Korea, North ( Baduk Association of DPR Korea)
Korea, South(Korean Baduk Association) ( website)
Latvia ( Latvijas Go Federacija)
Lithuania ( Lietuvos Go Asociacija)
Luxembourg ( Luxembourg Go Association)
Macau ( Clube De Xandrez "Wei Qi" De Macau)
Madagascar ( Madagascar Go Club, aka Madagascar Go Association)
Malaysia ( Persatuan Weiqi Malaysia, aka Malaysia Weiqi Association)
Mexico ( Asociación Mexicana de Go, aka Mexican Go Association)
Mongolia ( Mongolian Go Association)
Morocco ( Association pour la promotion du Go au Maroc)
Nepal ( Nepalese Go Association)
Netherlands ( Nederlandse Go Bond, aka Dutch Go Association)
New Zealand (New Zealand Go Society) ( website)
Norway ( Go i Norge)
Panama ( The Panamanian Go Association)
Peru ( Asociación Peruana do Igo-Shogi)
Phillipines ( Philippine Go Association)
Poland ( Polskie Stowarzyszenie Go)
Portugal ( Associaçăo Portuguesa de Go)
Romania ( Federația Română de GO)
Russia ( Rossiiskaya Federatziaya Go, aka Russian Go Federation [3])
Serbia ( Go Savez Srbije)
Singapore ( Singapore Weiqi Association, aka Singapore Weiqi Association)
Slovakia ( Slovenská Asociácia Go)
Slovenia ( Go Zveza Slovenije)
South Africa (South African Go Association) ( website)
Spain ( Asociacion Espanola de Go)
Sweden ( Svenska Goförbundet)
Switzerland ( Federation Suisse de Go, aka Swiss Go Association)
Thailand ( Go Association of Thailand)
Turkey ( Türkiye Go Oyunculari Dernegi, aka Turkish Go Players' Association)
Uruguay ( Federación uruguaya de Go, aka Uruguayan Go Federation)
UK (British Go Association / BGA) ( website)
Ukraine ( Ukrainska' Federatsiya Go)
USA (American Go Association / AGA) ( website)
Venezuela ( Asociación Venezolana de Go)
Vietnam ( Vietnam Go Association)
- [1] The IGF list still has the old name, Asociación Chilena de Go, which was replaced in 2013.
- [2] Not to be confused with the Association of Indian Go Players
- [3] Not to be confused with Go Federation Russia
See also: