Swiss Go Association
Schweizer Go Verband - Fédération Suisse de Go - Federazione Svizzera di Go
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The swiss go association was founded on October 14th 1979 in Bern. Of course there were active go players also before the foundation but they weren't really organized except from the club in Geneva or the one at the research center Cern. With the growing popularity the first big go wave led to the foundation of clubs in the major cities, tournaments, and in 1984, the swiss go association even organized the european go congress. Later the tournament of La Chaux-de-Fonds became one of the biggest in Europe with more then 100 participants and high cash prizes.
Today there are around 200 active go players who meet every week in a club. Around 150 of those 200 attend at least one tournament per year. There is a club in every major city: Zurich, Geneva, Bern, Basel, Luzern, Neuchâtel, Schaffhausen, Renens and others.
Since spring 2011 Hwang In-seong is the official teacher of the swiss go association. He teaches in Zurich, Lausanne and Geneva Go Club. Also online for all swiss players in the Yunguseng Dojang.