Hikaru 79

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I am a 21-year old new Go player that has known about Go for quite some time.

I'm now 1d according to most online servers.

I live in Waterloo, Ontario (Canada), although I was born in Romania. I used to have hobbies before Go... but I forget what they are now. Bah, they couldn't have been too important.

Real Name: Adrian Petrescu

DOB: March 7th, 1988

E-mail address: [email] apetresc@gmail.com

KGS Handle: emacs
IGS Handle: AdrianP
LittleGolem Handle: Adrian Petrescu

A self-proclaimed Hikaru no Go junkie! ^o^

GoStone Thank you for the compliment on my homepage! I'm glad you liked the article and very pleased if I was able to help turning you on to Go. I notice there are lots of strong Romanian players. I hope they are an inspiration to you.

Pedro I have added some tips on parsing the kiseido results.

Hikaru 79 last edited by Hikaru79 on December 21, 2009 - 09:16
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