Good atari - bad atari


Dieter: I am temprarily storing this page in discussion format. I wanted to post the following diagrams, digressing from the 2005 Goodwill Rengo.


It is said that beginners play atari, but good players never atari obviously isn't true. So, there are good atari moves and bad ones.

Example of a bad atari

reference diagram  

In this diagram, Black is trying to establish something in White's sphere of influence.

bad atari  

B1 is a bad atari, because it will end up captured and serve little purpose. White can now severely attack (a) and though B1 will provide some aji while running, Black could have used this move better.

slightly better atari  

This sequence is not as catastrophic, but White's outer strength combines well with the rest of his sphere of influence. This atari is tactically OK, but strategically maybe not as interesting (we should see the whole board to judge that).

dia.(4): connect  

[4] Connecting at B1 forces White to defend against the previous atari. Black now gets an extension to B5 and establishes something in White's moyo.

kokiri's idle thought - In this diagram Black will potentially have the option later in the game of playing an atari at a instead of the previous one at b. As a is less deeply inside whites area, it will thus have more aji.

Gul: What do you mean with more aji? Better for black?

dia. (1): better extend  

[1] Tderz: I guess it is meant that White should play a instead of W4 in above diagram, otherwise Black has the option of extending and threatening a ladder to c.

dia. (2): leaving cut, White has to reinforce - better shape for black.  

[2] White has to reinforce eventually at W6, which results in better shape for black, than if White had skipped W4 and extended directly with W6. W4 is not an atari, but gives the same impression.
It could be called bad pre-atari.

B7 looks to the point e.

dia. (3): continuation from problem diagram [4], White would get influence  

[3] continuating from above problem diagram [4],
White would use the chance to get influence. IMO the aji of Black a can be coped with Wd.
Of course, Black could think of making sabaki with e-f actions. The point here is not to discuss these later options, rather to show White's influence W4-W6-W8.

After Wg & h one starts discussing killing black.

Could purists argue that also W6 is a bad atari and aji-keshi? I think not, the advantages are too much.

seems unreasonable for White (1)  
seems unreasonable for White (2)  
seems unreasonable for White (3): oki tesuji  

Tderz: Wa-Bb and Wc-Bd are miai pairs

Black protects his cut in sente and gets time for the ladder.
The quite extension to W4 in diagram [1] (resp. = W6 in dia. [2]) is better style.

seems unreasonable for White (3a): oki tesuji  
seems unreasonable for White (3b): oki tesuji  

Example of a good atari

reference diagram  

In this joseki, a cross-cut emerges. In abscence of neighbouring stones, extending from a cross-cut is generally better, but with the marked stone present, atari is the proper continuation.

good atari(s)  

W1 and W3 sacrifice the marked stone with the highest possible gain, then White ties it together with W5. The order of play matters here:

wrong order  

This order of W1 and W3 leaves Black the option to take the outside with B4. As Black has the choice, it will generally favour him when he does take this option. To complete the argument ...


Black has options here too, but this one is dangerous and not preferable. White's W1 stone will provide bad aji for Black all over the place.

See Atari atari.

Good atari - bad atari last edited by on March 10, 2017 - 20:39
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