Main line: Hashimoto Utaro
Variations: Dieter
For those who have solved or looked at the earlier problems in this series, this line of play
will have become familiar. After , if Black connects at a, White captures three stones to make a second eye on the first line.
After then
lives. If black a later on then white b is the only move to ensure two eyes.
It would be a mistake for White to answer at a (next diagram).
The 1-2 point is not the right spot to make life for this group.
After the sequence to , Black throws in at
to leave White with a big eye.
If at
, then
, and White has only one eye.
This may be the hardest one to refute. After
, White can't play at a because of
shortage of liberties. If she captures at b, Black plays at a himself to make the eye false.
White at here, gives the same result as if White's first mov was played correctly at
in this diagram, but White errs with her second move, by answering
(see earlier diagram: Mistake in the follow-up move from the Solution).
White lives in ko, which is not good enough.
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