5th Ing Cup

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24 players took part in the 5th Ing Cup, eight being seeded into the second round. For the first time, the event was won by a Chinese player (all four of the previous title holders were from Korea).

Round 1

Yu Ch'ang-hyeok 1-0 Liu Xing
Kong Jie 1-0 Yi Se-tol
Zhou Junxun 1-0 Alexandre Dinerchtein
Song T'ae-kon 1-0 Cho U
Zhou Heyang 1-0 Jimmy Cha
Peng Quan 1-0 O Rissei
Ch'oe Cheol-han 1-0 Hane Naoki
Yamashita Keigo 1-0 Gu Li

Round 2

Chang Hao 1-0 Yu Ch'ang-hyeok
Kong Jie 1-0 Rin Kaiho
O Meien 1-0 Zhou Junxun
Song T'ae-kon 1-0 Yu Bin
Zhou Heyang 1-0 Otake Hideo
Peng Quan 1-0 Yoda Norimoto
Ch'oe Cheol-han 1-0 Ma Xiaochun
Yi Ch'ang-ho 1-0 Yamashita Keigo


Chang Hao 1-0 Kong Jie
Song T'ae-kon 1-0 O Meien
Peng Quan 1-0 Zhou Heyang
Ch'oe Cheol-han 1-0 Yi Ch'ang-ho


Chang Hao 2-1 Song T'ae-kon
Ch'oe Cheol-han 2-1 Peng Quan


Chang Hao 3-1 Ch'oe Cheol-han

See also: 1st Ing Cup, 2nd Ing Cup, 3rd Ing Cup, 4th Ing Cup, 6th Ing Cup


YY: The first game of the 5th Ing Cup final match has just been concluded. Please, check it out. One of the most entertaining games of the year, it is. The two finalists are Chang Hao of China and Choe Cheolhan of Korea. Choe gained two Korean titles, Kuksu and Kiseong, from Yi Ch'ang-ho this year. Chang Hao does not need an introduction, having placed second in the 4th Ing Cup.

Choe plays an unusual opening. In the first battle, Chang Hao gains a bit in the upper corner and side. Then, Choe Cheolhan separates Chang's group and launches an attack. However, he overpaces and fails to achieve his goal. His 113 and 115 are unbelievable mistakes allowing to Chang to counterattack in the middle and build a huge wall around the left. Chang's lead is absolute and seemingly insurmountable.

Then, Choe starts his own flurry of "poison" attacks (his nickname is "poisonous snake" or "poison"). Chang collapses. Yi Setol, the commentator of the game, says one of the greatest games he has seen.

It looks to be a great match. Chang known as a great defender and of balanced approach while Choe as a great attacker.

The [ext] game record is available at Go4Go.

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5th Ing Cup last edited by Unkx80 on January 9, 2009 - 19:10
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