4463 enclosure second-line side attachment

    Keywords: Joseki

Table of contents Table of diagrams
reference diagram
white wedges
wedge and cut
small life
wedge and block
white extends
trick move
soft reply
Patting the raccoon-dog's belly
Too easy
This? (4 connects)
Actually this
But it fails
Seems better

reference diagram  

This position arises from 4463 enclosure 2-5 approach. White can wedge at a or extend at b. W3 at c is a trick play which requires knowledge of a clever tesuji to refute.


white wedges  

Black will usually cut at a, but the block at b is also possible.


wedge and cut  

There is no choice for W3 and B4 [1], but W5 is sometimes played at W7 instead.


This is the most common continuation, but W5 may be played at B8 or elsewhere. After B10, White chooses between a and b.

In a 2012 [ext] game commentary at gogameguru, An Younggil, 8p, says this sequence was taught to him as joseki as a pupil, but today it is regarded as too good for Black. Because of this W1 in the previous diagram is rarely played nowadays, and white almost always plays the extend variation below instead.

small life  

Incidentally, White can live this way, but it is small life. Still, as an invasion pattern it must be known.


wedge and block  

Playing B2 seems to lack fighting spirit, but it is sometimes seen. After W3 and B4, white should continue at W5. It's vital shape point. If White omits the move, black pushes at the point, and it's actually like hitting the head of 2 white stones , very painful for white.


white extends  

Black will nearly always defend at B2. The following moves depend on the surrounding position, but white will probably play at a or b next, then black can either continue to attack the white group or else tenuki.

Trick play

trick move  

W1 is a trick play. The natural move is a, to connect, which is falling for the trick.

soft reply  

Up 'till W9, Black is forced into a low position. Compared to black's initial strength, White gets too much influence here. The W1-B2 exchange now looks very silly.


B2 is the stronger reply, but requires knowledge of a tesuji.

Patting the raccoon-dog's belly  

The Patting the raccoon-dog's belly tesuji is applied with B2 and B4.


Too easy  

If B6 here immediately, White lives easily in the corner

This? (4 connects)  

or perhaps worse

Actually this  

The previous diagram is not correct play for Black, because Black would play like so

But it fails  

White can try to resist like so

Seems better  

So white should do something like this and live in sente

4463 enclosure second-line side attachment last edited by joegasgano on January 3, 2022 - 17:31
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