Forum for 4-4 point 3-3 invasion double hane
Who came up with this alias? [#8591]
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Who came up with this alias?
(2020-01-05 03:19) [#11467]
Flower joseki????? Who came up with that?
Re: Who came up with this alias?
(2020-01-05 03:54) [#11468]
yeah i also noticed, but didnt wanted to meddle with names of articles (not want to screw anything). I guess sometimes several josekis had local names.
Apparently arose in discussion of AI overuse of this joseki.
(2020-01-05 17:23) [#11470]
I have the impression that the terminology arose during discussions about AIs (initially LeelaZero, then Minigo) overusing this joseki, until more training led them to prefer to take sente. The first allusion I found was in the 2018-03-09 post below and seems to have been rapidly adopted in the Reddit and GitHub communities. As an aside, our article Chinese Classical Joseki refers to “The Lotus Flower Opening”, but that is a quite different pattern.
A web search threw up various allusions to a flower joseki, all referring to AI:
Re: Apparently arose in discussion of AI overuse of this joseki: noted in article.
(2020-01-05 17:39) [#11471]
I have added a brief note to this effect to the article.
Re: Apparently arose in discussion of AI overuse of this joseki: noted in article.
(2020-01-05 19:36) [#11472]
I suspect this name arose due to people being interested in Go AI who weren't so familiar with Go and the usual terms like ponnuki.
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