Chinese Classical Joseki

    Keywords: Joseki

Historical Chinese games using the Chinese Classical Opening (cross-hoshi) featured joseki patterns that can be quite unusual-looking to the current eye. Frequently the joseki quickly evolve to a large-scale fight, which conforms to the usual "extreme fighting" nature of the games. Of course, there are mostly hoshi joseki.

Note that most of the patterns below are not in current use and probably would not be considered "joseki" by current standards! They are presented mostly for historical interest; however, it can still be instructive to try them out in your games, as long as you know what are you doing.

I believe that the most appropriate place for the joseki descriptions is in the joseki subpages, with a due note that they are classical Chinese joseki. This page is meant as an additional index listing all these joseki, for those with interest in historical Chinese games.

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[thumbnail diagram]

Pasky: This page is meant for those who like me are inexplicably fond of the historical Chinese games. It is kind of a project and currently I know only very few of these joseki myself and I didn't manage to find many resources about them yet. If anyone has good sources, please help! Thanks.

Chinese Classical Joseki last edited by HikaruNakamura on December 2, 2022 - 03:10
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