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Donations to: (paypal) or address on MGA open tournament form.

My secret:

Teach and don't stop teaching. Review every game and get every (lost) game reviewed.


Greetings! My name is Alfa, I come from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

I started to play go around June of 2003. Since then I have become about 5k (as of Sept 2005). 1d by Dec 2005, and my a 5d rank in June of 2006. Since then I have fluctuated but seem to be a steady 3d.

I am the tournament director for the ManitobaGoAssociation, you can visit us @ [ext]

I learned about this game from the series HikaruNoGo, which I am sure many of you are familiar with. Since then, I have become quite the fanatic.

It was by chance that I discovered the local club which helped direct me to all the right places such as Sensei, KGS and Gobase.

Reviewing Games:

If you wish to have a game reviewed, you can email the sgf to me: I will review it and then send it back with two weeks.

I do live teaching games on KGS every other night (usually). Everyone is welcome. I teach them in the "Manitoba Go Association" room.

You can see my reviewed games here:

If you wish me to review a game that you played on KGS, the fastest way is to leave me a note on my "BliaddDrwg" KGS account with the Day and Person you played. I will review the game and save it in my profile for you to come back to anytime.

You may download any game you wish, not just your own.

If there are any stronger players out there. I would appreciate a review of my reviews to see if there was more that I have missed.

Students, Teachers, Etc:

Current Students:

+=== Favourite Opponents: ====

  • Newgo 8k
  • Nathan 2d
  • Mellonsan 10k
  • NannyOgg -
  • Bertts 15k
  • George (IYT)
  • Ingmar (DGS)
  • MacD007 (IYT)
  • karld (IYT)
  • Phil Younger (IYT)
  • Reemi (IYT)
  • There are many more that may not have been listed, my apologies.

My Teachers:

  • GoChild 2d
  • Newgo 8k
  • Maikosan 1k

More About Me:

Alter Egos:

Favourite Topics:


  • "Every game of go tells a story, you just have to know how to read it." --allfather
  • "Go is a universal language." --allfather
  • "The stones talk to each other, and the stones talk to the board, all you have to do is listen." --allfather
  • "This is the best day of my life. New agathis go board and yuki quality stones. What could be better?" --allfather

Games Played:

This has been a topic that some have been interested in. I have become known for the many games I play (at once) across many web sites.

  • IYT - Current: 85 Total: 2035 Won Tournaments: 1
  • DragonGoServer - Current: 144 Total: 1241 w/l: 60%(74%)
  • LittleGolem - Current: 120 Total: 554 Won Tournaments: 20

I used to play over 600 Games once upon a time, but as you can see, I have cut back to something more managable. With KGS, IGS and Dashn included, I have completed over 4000 games in my life.

Many were 9x9 and 13x13, but I think it is still an impressive record.

Where I play

Best go day of my Life

September 20th 2005 is the best day of my life. I just picked up my new agathis goban, and a full set of 9.2mm yuki go stones!

Ranking Charts

KGS Ranks:





- - - -


Feel free to add some.

allfather last edited by allfather on June 16, 2009 - 02:23
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