
    Keywords: Equipment

[ext] Shodan Imports is a Go equipment Importer specializing in high-end Japanese imports such as traditional handmade [ext] Go boards, shell and slate [ext] Go stones and [ext] Go bowls made of precious woods.

American Go Association members are eligible for a permanent [ext] 3% discount off all items in the store.

From: Shodan Imports <>
Date: 7 February 2012 16:45
I'm servicing all orders that I currently have, but for the time being I am not taking more orders. I'm working full time in my new job and don't have enough time to service my customers. I'm currently looking for a buyer for the business.
You can reproduce this message on senseis library if you wish, to help clear things up.
Chuck Thomas
Owner/Manager, Shodan Imports
(479) 431-6715

For other purveyors of Go products see: Buying Equipment

allfather: How can I get a hold of Chuck Thomas to move igolocal to a new server?
PeterHB: I don't have an up to date email address for him.
I see the [ext] aga list an alternative phone number (479) 200-7682 for him. My suggestion would be to ask [ext] people at the AGA who might know someone at his local [ext] Fayetteville Go Club. Another possibility is to leave a message at [ext] L19, but cthomas hasn't written there since February.

ShodanImports last edited by PeterHB on August 27, 2012 - 12:28
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