Go Fundamentals

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Go Fundamentals
By: Kishikawa Shigemi
Publisher: Tuttle Publishing, October 2009
ISBN10 4805310707
128 pp.

Second edition of Steppingstones to Go.

(Note: Shi Xiangxia's Yili Zhigui is translated into English under the same title.)


David Carlton's [ext] review of the first edition.

Kris: A beginner's book, and not a good one. Lots of errors, some minor and others not so. For instance, the second example of seki isn't a seki:

"Seki" where white first affects double-atari.  

Anonymous: Looks like it's just a typo. If the W1 stone were black it would be a seki.

Kris: Yes, but hardly helpful for one of the first examples of a phenomena in a beginner's book. Note that W1 didn't exist in the example, I played it myself to demonstrate how white kills. (Sorry about the bad first edit, BTW)

Kris: On second thought, a white stone on any of the three free squares kills black, unless black plays at W1 first. Typo, but a serious one - and just one of the more easily demonstrable things I didn't like about this book.

Page 127, The End Of The Game: This part of the book seems to be lacking move no. 160 as I was replaying the game and it is nowhere to be found.

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Go Fundamentals last edited by Dieter on November 30, 2023 - 12:48
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