Keywords: Culture & History
Here are some television programs that reference the game of Go.
TV Shows about Go
- There is a web-cast television "channel": Baduk TV
- In Japan, there is a weekly show on Sunday called Igo no Jikan. See also GoProgramsOnJapaneseTV
- In Japan, there is a web-cast show called Ponnuki Jouhoukyoku.
- In China, there is at least one weekly show, on a sports channel. And a pay-tv channel dedicated to Go called yitanchunqiu
- Another Chinese Weiqi channel is Tianyuan Weiqi channel
- Anonymous: I heard that Korean's Global TV, Arirang (, has broadcasted game commentaries. If anyone could share more info about this it might be interesting.
TV Advertisement References to Go
Domino's Pizza 2-to-1 Ad
- 2009: Rick Rosner ("World's Smartest Man" with IQ 200) is playing 19x19 Go against a boy with 100 IQ. The boy resigns angrily by sweeping the stones off the board.
TV Show References to Go
- 2020 March 26th: Devs: Season 1 Episode 5. Flashbacks of young Lily playing Go with her father.
- 2018 Altered Carbon: The main character and his sister has partial Japanese heritage and Go is referenced various times as an allegory to their rivalry. There is a full screen board shot in episode 7 of a game in progress between showing the two to be roughly SDK level.
- 2018 Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace. Multiple episodes.
- 2017 December 10th: Counterpart series intro references Go, including various episodes where the main character plays Go in an open place where people meet to play. The Sci-Fi/Thriller series continues referencing Go in its intro during the whole run from December 10, 2017 to February 17, 2019.
- 2017 March 19th: Billions: Season 2 Episode 5: Bryan (Toby Leonard Moore) is shown hosting a Go club, Chuck (Paul Giamatti). Chuck (Paul Giamatti) comes to speak to him, and looks at the board he's playing on, saying he needs to "block the monkey jump at the bottom" - the game position is shown, and seems to be legitimate board in end game, with an unblocked monkey jump.
- 2015 February 6th: 12 Monkeys: Season 1 Episode 4: 03:45, Reference to game of go(st out of atari), supporting character played the game as a kid.
- 2014: Tv Serie Teen Wolf: season 3 episode 45 "The Fox and the Wolf" starts with a flashback with Grandmother playing game of go and the least episode of season three is entitled "The Divine Move". They discuss Go terminology and a goban is prominent several times throughout.
- 2013 July 11th: Orange is the new black: Series 1, Episode 13: Can't fix Crazy, index ~30mins. Larry Bloom (Jason Biggs) is fiddling with go stones while speaking to his brother-in-law about his incarcerated wife.
- 2013 July 2nd:
Go featured on Channel 4 programme
- 2013 April 26th: Da Vinci's Demons: Series 1, Episode 3: The Prisoner, last seen at 56:24
mark area that is blocked by prison barrier.
mark fussy area can not be seen clearly.
- 2013 April 13th: Canal Sur TV News. New about XVI Seville Go Tournament, in prime time (more than 300.000 pleople seen) - In Spanish -
- 2012: Korean historical drama Bridal mask(Gaksital): episode 8 briefly shows a japanese police chief behind a go board.
- 2011: Korean historical drama Warrior Baek Dong-soo: episode 15 has few scenes of master of martial arts playing with his pupil.
- 2010 December 13th: Jeopardy: Double Jeopardy featured an entire category about the game, "Go!"
List of questions and answers
- 2010 September 21st: Alan Davies' Teenage Revolution : Series 1, Episode 2 : Poster for student 'GO' society at 06:43. It appears that a game is taking place, but the board is screened by interested bystanders. (It is just possible that the end of the banner, nearly out of sight in the clip, has a third letter on it, spelling, say, 'GOD'.)
- 2010 January: Caprica: Season 1 Episode 2: Rebirth, 21 minutes 40 seconds in. old man playing on the street. nice looking board. man and his nephew are walking through a market.
- 2009: Art of War History Channel Program is released on dvd
Art of War DVD
About Art of War
Reference to Go in Art of War on YouTube
- 2008 November 24th: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Season 2, episode 10 "
Strange Things Happen at the One Two Point'
- September 23, 2005:
Criminal Minds. This is the pilot. They find a go board in the suspect's attic. They figure since it rotates he is playing himself. They describe the suspect's style as aggressive. (See also the discussion page and note the error of the marked stone.)
The episode on You tube.
- 2005 September 21st: Code Lyoko - Episode #29 Exploration Yumi and her father are playing a game of go, apx time index 12mins 26 secs into the episode. Yumi wins by .5 (komi 5.5) The game was nowhere near over when they passed. I am still trying to find a good shot of the goban.
- 2005 Feb 28 - "Look Around You" computers - Gobans
visible a few seconds into the sketch
- 2004: Andromeda - Episode #84 (production code 418) - There is a dialog-only reference to Go while Dylan and Indra are on their way to the maze on the planet:
- Dylan: I am excellent at Go.
- Indra: [...] I can beat anyone at Go.
- 2004: Arrested Development: Season 1, episode #22 - At the very end of the episode, during the "on the next episode" section, Maebe (the girl) and An Yung (the adoptee) are playing a game in the living room of the model home.
- 2004: 24 season 3, 3:00 AM - 4:00 AM: Some bad guys are hiding out in a club, and when the authorities raid it, we notice some people in other rooms of the club playing Go. In a following scene, they are interrogating a suspect in one of those rooms and the interrogator throws a bowl (+stones) off the table. More information can be found at 24 - The Television Show.
- 2003: Enterprise: Season 2 Ep 22 'Cogenitor' A traditional four legged goban with a nearly completed game between Trip and a visiting alien is shown from above and then in some extreme closeups as each player captures a single stone. The alien asks if this means she/he/it (third gender) has won, and Trip exclaims that he has not lost a game in two years. More information can be found at Enterprise - The Television Show.
- 2003:
Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils / 天龍八部:
Ep 23 Go is being played on a huge cliff side goban
- 2001: Andromeda - Captain Dylan Hunt and the Nietzschian, Tyr Anasazi, play a variant of Go, possibly 3D, in several episodes in the first season. In at least one, Dylan starts with White.
- Deadly Games episode of Diagnosis Murder, starring Dick van Dyke. A Goban, bowls, and stones appear and are referred to as "weichi" (probable pronunciation).
- 2000 - 2001? TakeNGive saw a music video by the pop-rock band "Creed", which may have had three or four scenes featuring two people playing Go -- but wasn't paying attention until too late; can anyone confirm this sighting?
- 20?? - El espíritu del mar - ("Sea's soul", direct translation from Spanish title): A drama about the life of the chinese marines in the decades 1930 and 1940. In chapter 1, two opposing admirals, chinese and japanese, play a game of Go (or Weiqi) reflecting their running pre-war strategies.
To see online on cctv-cntv web page
- 1999 - Ally McBeal Season 2 Episode 14 Pyramids on the Nile, Brief view of Richard Fish and Ling Woo are in the middle of a game while talking about a new addition to the firm. Woo plays white and the only move shown. Counting the pieces on the board, she has given Richard a two stone handicap. She talks dirty and makes him drop his stone. Ally McBeal - The Television Show
- 1997 - "JAG" Season 2 Episode 10 Game of Go
- 1995 - "Sliders" Season 1 Episode 7 'eggheads. Quinn is explaining the game 'Mindgame' to Rembrant and Mrs Mallory, and says, "It's like the game Go or Othello. Depending on the...". This is located about 14mins 30 seconds into the episode on the DVD release of Season 1.
- 1961: "Have Gun -- Will Travel" : Season 5 Episode 30 The Coming of the Tiger The hero, Paladin (Richard Boone) is shown playing a game of go in San Francisco (from the AGA EJournal 2 May 2011)
- 1954: "Victory at Sea" : Volume 7 around the 5 minute mark. The documentary shows the inside of a Japanese ship and there is a shot of people playing shogi and right next to them two guys playing go.
- Diamond, UK TV serial. An actor is seen playing Go and a Goban is in the background in more than one episode. (That wouldn't be Jon Diamond, would it :) ?)
- Dutch Jeugd Journaal (news for kids) reported some news about the game of Go and filmed at the ING tournament in March. Also Guo Juan and another Go player explained some parts of the game.
- Kamen Rider 555 episode 1. Yuji's uncle is reading a book and playing Go while talking about Yuji's father's business.
- Tomorrow's World Harold Lee (maybe???) was walking around on a floor sized set dropping stones on the floor against a computer opponent in a bewildering fashion
- Tomorrow's World (UK) 29 October 1993 Harold Lee was sitting at a Go ban playing a computer opponent (Mick Reiss's program).
- 2003 - "The Originals" Season 2 Episode 2 'Rebirth. Klaus and Marcel are talking strategy while playing go on beautiful decorated goban. This is located about 17mins 29 seconds into the episode.
- Why Go BBC Radio 4, 17 May 2010.
See also:
"Die Sendung mit der Maus" (pedagocical program for children), in Germany, The Netherlands, 2002, 15(?) minute presentation of Go
- "Japania Erinin kanssa" (program for children to learn Japanese), in Finland, Yle Teema at 2013-04-20, in middle of show, 4 minutes, presentation of Go