Wiki Orphans / Aliases To Keep
This page lists orphaned aliases that should be kept.
Note: don't list pages here. This is only for aliases. Content pages should be linked from "real" pages.
- 1000VoltGo keep, there are even tournaments
- 46Point - all points should have two aliases - BenAxelrod
- AlexandrDinerstein - this transliteration is the correct german one - blubb
- Analysis
- AttackAndDefenceTheBook - the book is spelt with an 's' in the US edition but with a 'c' in the UK edition - SiouxDenim.
- Biggest Known Eye Space for which there is a Nakade - unkx80: linked from other sites
- BadookTV - name they gave themselves
- BrainActivity - only page containing the word "brain"
- CercidiphyllumJaponicum - Sebastian
- CleaningGoStones
- Disability - BenAxelrod
- Editing Pages - keep it temporarily to prevent the warning from appearing, and because it has subpages. unkx80
- Esthetics - BenAxelrod -Proto: Please do not keep this alias. It is just a misspelling of "aesthetics." -MrTenuki: Actually, both spellings are correct. See
- Etiquette - Sebastian
- Fall 2008 College Go Class - this was the page name prior to the renaming, and its been there for quite long, so don't know whether there are external sites pointing here
- FourFourPoint
- German aliases: vorhand, vorgabe, nachhand, Affensprung, bambus
- GoHumor - blubb
- GoSoftware
- GSCup - temporarily placed here but should be linked to sometime
- Guksu nachtrabe: this is an alternate spelling that is occasionally found in use
- HaneSeki - unkx80
- HayashiGembi - Charles
- HikaruNoGoGames - old pagename, kept for outside links
- HikaruShindoo - unkx80: alternative romanizations
- Humor
- Humour - BenAxelrod
- IshiiSenji - Charles
- JoHyeoiyeon nachtrabe: this is how the Hankuk Kiwon spells her name on their website.
- Jonatan - why not
- KanazawaProblem1, KanazawaProblem2, KanazawaProblem3, KanazawaProblem55, KanazawaProblem67 - possible external references
- KGS Admins and Assistants - Renamed page, possible external links
- KGSDeutscheEcke - is an alias of KGS Rooms/Deutsche Ecke
- Kgsfaq - has external pages referring to it
- KyuRenSei
- JeongganjangCup - Old pagename, may have external links pointing to it
- LeeMinjin nachtrabe: this is a very common spelling of her name.
- LogicalRules - blubb
- Maddin - Sebastian
- Myungin - keep (alternate spelling) Bill
- OGoG - this is explained on the page. --Sebastian
- OhTakamoku -ViciousMan: It's an alternate romanization for ō-takamoku a.k.a. 6-4 point
- ParkJiEun nachtrabe: this is a very common spelling of her name.
- Paths
- PonnukiGo keep (alternate name) Bill
- Rooms -- alias for "Room" (a CGT term)
- SannouHirotaka - only romanization you find when googling for the kanji
- SaruSuberi - Charles
- SegoshiKensaku - keep (alternate reading)
- Semidori - keep (common misspelling)
- ShindooHikaru - unkx80: alternative romanizations
- Shoujin - Chinese term for "tesuji"
- six stones on the second line, seven stones on the second line,eight stones on the second line
- Slip of hand, Slip of mind
- ThreeThreePoint
- TokenGo - Charles
- TorreyaNucifera - Sebastian
- TsuchiyaShuei - Shuei is confusing. Charles
- TV
- WikiMasterEditing - Sebastian
- WorldMasterpiecesOfLifeAndDeath - keep. english language title for a set of chinese weiqi books.
- WYGC - acronym