References to Go
PageType: Path Keywords: Culture & History
This page is a directory of SL pages that catalog references to the game of Go in movies, literature, and other art forms that readers of the Library may enjoy or find interesting.
- Periodicals (such as Magazines and Newspapers)
- Movies
- Literature
- Comics
- Anime and Graphic Arts
- Television (also for Radio)
- Theatre
- Music
- Non-Fiction
- Not including books specifically about Go playing technique.
- University and College Courses
- Video games and software
- Ragnarok Online
- There are two men playing a game of Go in the game "Dreamfall: The Longest Journey", near the taxi in Casablanca, though you can't interact with them.
- The video game Okami has a goban in the archer's hut in Kamui. There's another one in one of the rooms in Sasa Sanctuary.
- The computer game "Jade Empire" (on console and PC) has two NPC's talking about Go (without actually playing it). While making up your mind as to which school of thought to follow, they describe the nature of the game perfectly as Go. However they call it another made-up name. *cringe cringe*
- The GMail theme "Tea House" has
ghost foxes playing go between 2 am and 4 am:
- The third person to play
Chain World is known by the moniker 'Positional Super Ko'
- There is a Go board in the "Silk Road" scene of the Facebook game "Hidden Chronicles" -- not just background scenery, an actual item players are required to find and identify.
- Many boards displaying one go game in game Cyberpunk 2077 found for example: Path of war quest area.
photo in reddit