24 - the television show
24 is a television show on FOX, starring Kiefer Sutherland as a counterterrorism agent in the US government. Each season follows one 24-hour period of time, with the action happening in real-time, sometimes on split screens.
In season 3, 3:00 AM - 4:00 AM, the CTU agents raid a Korean club. People are seen playing Go in the background. There are a few games visible.[1]
The games played are the Atomic Bomb Game, the Ear-Reddening Game, and the Blood-Vomiting Game. The positions might have changed from the original set up after a few takes, though.
The Co-Executive Producer of 24, Michael Loceff, is a Go player on KGS.
[1] In the background, through a bead curtain, a handsome, out-of-focus SL deshi wearing a blue shirt can be seen.