Teach Yourself Go by Charles Matthews
By Charles Matthews, first edition published in the United Kingdom by Hodder & Stoughton in 1999. First edition in the United States published February 2004 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, 216 pages, ISBN: 0071429778. Second edition published Fall 2007. The third edition, published in August 2010, was retitled Be a Master at Go: Teach Yourself
Table of Contents
- Five Lessons for the beginner
- Five Further Lessons
- Capture
- Cutting and Connecting
- Eyes
- A Complete Game
- Ko and Seki
- The End of the Game
- Corners and Sides
- Full Board Openings
- The Middlegame
- The Go Finishing School
- A Classic Match
- More About Go
Appendix: Rules of Go Glossary Index
to be filled out? e.g. 3.1 .. 3.12
Sample Material
to be added
Description of the book from the Slate and Shell website:
This introductory book is a virtual encyclopaedia of Go. It is excellent for beginners and will be useful even to single digit kyu players because of its thorough coverage of basic strategy and tactics. The book is unusually well organized and also includes interesting material about the history and culture of Go. Charles Matthews has written for the American Go Journal and was frequently published in the British Go Journal.