Shinohara Masami
Keywords: People
Shinohara Masami (篠原正美, しのはら まさみ, 1 Jan. 1904 - 21 Oct. 1986) was a Japanese professional 9-dan of the Nihon Ki-in. He is known for his aggressive style, creation of the points system used in rating tournaments, and as the first official opponent Go Seigen played in Japan. He was nicknamed The Heavy Tank.
Rank Promotion
- 1-dan: 1922
- 2-dan: 1923
- 3-dan: 1925
- 4-dan: 1926
- 5-dan: 1932
- 6-dan: 1941
- 7-dan: 1950
- 8-dan: 1963
- 9-dan: 1972
- 詰碁のいろは (ABCs of Life and Death) (1976)
- He retired in 1984.
- He studied under Inoue Kohei (who brought Go Seigen over to Japan, and was likely the one who set up Shinohara's match with Go).
- His preference for choosing & creating hard-fighting joseki variations was often described as the Shinohara style (篠原流),