Seto Taiki

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瀬戸 大樹 Japanese pro, born in 1984. Member of the Kansai Ki-in. Promoted to 1 dan in January 2000, 7 dan 2009-06-24, 8 dan 2016-02-08. Before the Kansai Ki-in Oteai was cancelled, he scored a remarkable 94.4% in his 54 Oteai games. He is currently a member of the 66th Honinbo league.

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Promotion record

Seto became a professional in Jan 2000. He was promoted to 2 dan in Jun 2000, 3 dan in Apr 2001, 4 dan in Mar 2002, 5 dan in Apr 2003, 6 dan in Jul 2004, 7 dan in Jun 2009, 8 dan in Feb 2016,


In 2008, Seto won the 4th Sankei Pro-Ama.

In 2021, he was a semifinalist in the 30th Ryusei.

He's won his first game in the 2022 Meijin, over Ri Ishu. However, his next opponent is Iyama Yuta, who'll probably knock Seto out.

Career record:

  • 2000: 26 games, 24-2 (2000, 2 dan, Oteai)
  • 2001: 53 games, 44-9 (2001-04-09, 3 dan, Oteai)
  • 2002: 57 games, 45-12 (2002-03, 4 dan, Oteai; 100 wins)
  • 2003: 45 games, 34-11 (2003-04, 5 dan, Oteai)
  • 2004: 46 games, 35-11 (2004-07-12, 6 dan, Oteai)
  • 2005: 42 games, 30-12 (200 wins)
  • 2006: 43 games, 27-16
  • 2007: 43 games, 31-12
  • 2008: 41 games, 28-13
  • 2009: 39 games, 27-12 (2009-06-24, 7 dan, 120 wins as 6 dan; 300 wins)
  • 2010: 44 games, 32-12 (Honinbo League)
  • 2011: 48 games, 30-18
  • 2012: 52 games, 32-20 (total record: 579 games, 419 wins, 160 losses)

Personal life

In 2012, Seto formed a singing group MONOTONE with Takanashi Seiken and Xie Yimin. They made their CD debut with i★GO.


  • 瀬戸大樹布石の打ち方が変わる! (Fuseki Play Transformed! -- NHK Igo Series, 2014)


[ext] Japanese Wikipedia [ext] Kansai Ki'in profile

Seto Taiki last edited by hnishy on June 25, 2024 - 08:58
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