q5go is an all-round everyday Go tool. Primarily it is an editor for sgf files, which includes an analysis mode using Leela Zero or compatible engines. A pattern search feature similar to Kombilo is also available. q5go supports SGF figures (diagrams with or without move numbers), which can be displayed on a separate board view or exported to ASCII (in a format usable on Sensei's Library) or SVG vector graphics. When exporting a move sequence to ASCII, it automatically creates a sequence of multiple diagrams if necessary. There is also a slide export feature useful for making presentations or videos.
q5go also contains a client for IGS and other servers with the same protocol.
It can be downloaded for Windows, MacOS and Linux.
Table of contents |
- SGF editing
- Game tree display
- Playing against GTP engines, or having them play each other
- Engine analysis using KataGo or Leela Zero, either live analysis or batch analysis of entire files
- Tracks analysis by multiple engines and displays multiple winrate graphs
- Playing or observing on-line games on IGS
- Pattern search, similar to Kombilo, but using its own file format
- Accessing Kombilo databases for game information search
- Built-in beginner tutorials
- Configurable appearance, including highly modifiable stone graphics
- Configurable user interface layout
- SGF Diagram support
- SL-style ASCII diagram export
- SVG vector graphics export
- Slide export
- Support for variants: rectangular boards, toroidal Go, and boards with some intersections removed
Development History
q5go was derived from qGo, which was developed by Peter Strempel, Emmanuel Béranger and others. Once Qt3 started to disappear, Bernd Schmidt migrated it to Qt4 and named it q4go. In 2018, Qt4 started to disappear, and Bernd Schmidt again migrated it, this time replacing large parts of old code that was in poor shape and adding new features.
Links, Latest Info
- https://github.com/apetresc/q5Go unofficial macOS binary release of version 0.8.1
- https://lifein19x19.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=16354 Announcement thread
- [1] Authors: q4Go/q5go: Bernd Schmidt, qGo 0.x + 1.x: Emmanuel Béranger, Johannes Mesa, Peter Strempel