FCS: Well, let's go with the gut reactions of a beginner... White 1 seems nice to me because it necessitates a black reply at 2, and so keeps sente. It also creates a diamond and connects White's territory on the left and right a little more.
Now we'll get some criticisms and start a discussion! =)
Interesting board size 11x11 :-)
Hmm. That leaves me wanting to play something like this:
Note by HolIgor. I am not ready to post my variation yet. Maximum I got was 7 points for White. But I can criticize others though. In the diagram above Black 6 should be at a, then 7, and sooner or later White is forced to defend a point at b. I don't think white would play 7 and fight a ko. Point c is exposed to White's attack too.
MortenPahle: Don't know what I was thinking leaving c :~/ But, more to the point, why would White answer Black 6 at a by filling the ko? The ko has no value except for a half-point in gote?