White's marked stones are suffering from too many cutting points plus a shortage of liberties. As a result Black can jump in to 1, making the upper left corner the largest play on the board. After White ends in gote with 6, Black plays 7 which is another nice tesuji in this shape with the cutting point at a. Black threatens the follow-up shown below. Before answering 7, White turns to the bottom side where 8 and 10 threaten the life of the bottom black group and are absolute sente.
Black plays 1 and White cannot intercept at 3, or else Black will cut at a and descend to 4 capturing all the white stones. After White answers at 2 he also has to connect at 4 (or a), ending in gote. Note that if Black plays hane at 3 directly without playing the marked stone (7 in diagram 1) first, White will reply at 1 and not have to connect. Thus Black will give up sente for only one additional point compared to the solution diagram.
After forcing Black along the bottom White returns to the upper right corner. Black 3 and White 4 follow and the last interesting point comes after Black 5. White has to answer since Black threatens to cut at a creating a shortage of liberties for White; and then capture two white stones with a play at 8.
White throws in at 6 before playing 8 himself. This does not earn any points but is good technique worth remembering. The exchange of 6 for 7 makes the point b a source of two ko threats should a ko fight develop later in the game. White 10 ends the scoring. In filling in the liberties White will have to add a stone at a while Black will have to connect at c. The final result is a tie (jigo).