
Sub-page of PillboxThePlayer

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White definitely alive?
Yes, B1 seems to lead to forced seki for B.
White can block...
White definitely alive?
Omitting W4, one outside liberty

Shape from a game on 2008-03-12

This is a shape that came up during a game I was playing (poorly) and won.

My opponent resigned, and then asked to play out the game anyway. The Score Randomizer during the review indicated B+3.5, and I didn't pay much attention to it. I figured I had lost and was lucky that my opponent only resigned because of a failed invasion.

Later, after reviewing the game, I checked the Score Randomizer again and it considered this corner dead. Which was contrary to my initial reading.

White definitely alive?  

pillbox: thoughts?

Yes, B1 seems to lead to forced seki for B.  

This leads to the position in Seki with false eye scoring rules. Any different response looks worse for W. Note that W next at 1-1 starts an infinite cycle of "W 1-1, B take, W take, B pass". -- ChrisBall.

Karl Knechtel: See also sending two returning one.

White can block...  

pillbox: Looks like W can block at a, b, or c to force life.

White definitely alive?  

LukeNine45: With two outside liberties, white can play a and is alive. With only one, W4 is a ko threat to live outright, but black can fill an outside liberty to keep it seki. With no outside liberties, white omits W4 and it is a gote seki for black. (Later: The rest of this paragraph is completely wrong:) Note that this W2 is better than the one in the above diagrams, because here white can omit W4. Above, if white does so, black can make a ko.

Karl Knechtel: Er, Black can still make a ko if White omits W4 in the "improved" line (unless there are two outside liberties, in which case White can play oshitsubushi)...

Omitting W4, one outside liberty  

A Black capture at b would either leave a dead bulky five inside, or allow Black to capture by me ari me nashi, and White at b is dead in gote, so White must play a, and Black takes first in the resulting ko.

LukeNine45: Yes, I don't know what I was thinking.

PillboxThePlayer/EyeSpacesQuestions last edited by LukeNine45 on March 14, 2008 - 19:50
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