Mr Mormon

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Instead of updating my age, I'll give my birthday: July 10, 1993. I'm an American Mormon. If you care to learn more about me for some reason, [ext] here's my Facebook.

Around 2005 my parents gave me The Book of Go as a present, which came with a two-sided cardboard goban (9x9 and 13x13) and flat stones. I loved rereading it but didn't get interested in playing until I had an epiphany in July 2010 about Go's awesomeness. My preferred ruleset is "NZ rules with a two-pass ending and the second-to-last passing player begins resumed play (not with a pass) after a dead stones dispute", and I would love to see a server with that option, unlimited simultaneous turn-based games, and Go Back functionality. However, I'm unsure whether simultaneous capture would make a deeper game (or, for that matter, an unlimited number of consecutive rounds of rock-paper-scissors). And let it be known forever that I played my very first 19x19 game of full-fledged Go on November 5, 2010 (and won!) and got my first full Go set on January 25, 2011!

I'm currently a junior at Brigham Young University and found many opportunities to teach Go in my first semester. I seem to have a set pattern for teaching Go to beginners now.

Sadly, I won't be playing online until at least 2016 because turn-based games last a while and I'll be going on a two-year mission for my church soon. Looking forward to see the progress of the Kaya Go Server by that time!

Mr Mormon last edited by bugcat on September 23, 2021 - 19:26
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