IGO for TI
After noticing that there is currently no Go program for the TI 83 (Plus) that fulfills my expectations I decided to write one on my own. Nontheless I appreciate the efforts that others put in writing their programs. Since I'm not very creative in inventing names I just called it "IGO".
Table of contents |
"IGO" enables you to play a game of Go on a 9x9 board using your Texas Instruments TI 83 Plus calculator.
It is written in Assembly.
Current Features
- Players can pass
- Players can resign
- Suicide is prevented
- Ko rule is implemented
- Captured stones are removed automatically
- Number of captured stones for both players is displayed
- Current coordinates are displayed
- Display whose turn it is
- After two consecutive passes one player can remove dead stones. The result is calculated automatically.
- Playing over unit to unit link cable is supported
According to the tests I have made so far these features work fine but of course there are most likely a lot of bugs I haven't found yet so I rely on your bug reports.
-For some reason, gets syntax error when running under ASM.
Keyboard Layout
"UP", "DOWN", "LEFT", RIGHT" - Move cursor
"ENTER" - Select menu option/Place stone/Remove dead stone
"CLEAR" - Exit game
"+" - Pass
"-" - Resign
"*" - Calculate result
How to run it
"IGO" doesn't use any shell like ION or MirageOS so you just run it using Asm(prgmIGO). Asm( can be found under 2nd - CATALOG.
There are two versions available. The only difference is the language of the on screen text.
Be aware that these programs work only on a TI 83 Plus or TI 83 Plus Silver Edition. There is no version for the "normal" TI 83 yet.
Download English version
Download German version
Plans for future additions
- Komi
- Handicap
- Tsumegos
- Load/Save games
- Transfer games from/to the PC
- Replay games
- Port to TI 83
- Make it available to MirageOS
Long term plans
- 19x19 support with two display modes
- Display the whole board - Stones will be quite small because of the limited resolution
- Display only a part of the board similar to current 9x9 size and enable user to scroll
- Write a version for TI 89 - I'm not that sure yet if this will happen because I don't even own one at the moment.
If you have a suggestion for a new feature or improvment of an existing one don't hesistate to add it here.
Also I welcome any other kind of feedback - I would like to hear your opinion about the program.
MrMormon: Here's the link on the ticalc website too: http://www.ticalc.org/pub/83plus/asm/games/igo.zip.