La Tomate

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Welcome! (although if you ended up here, you're probably lost...)

My name is Karim. I'm 26 years old and currently live in either Bordeaux, or Nantes, France (depends). I'm between 5 and 25 kyu for the moment. I hope it's 5 (more like 7), but I'm sometimes surprised! On the French scale though I'm still 10k :)

I've been playing for a little over 2 years. I'm a member of the [ext] Bordeaux go club (le Kitani). Come and pay a visit!

I'll come back and update this from time to time. To write me, please send mail to super-tomate(nospam) (remove the (nospam) for the mail to work)

Over the internet, I play on several servers:

I'm going to be participating in the DragonTourney2006, a DGS tournament.

To finish off, a little song written (but not composed) by linfir:

Bravely bold Sir Karim
Rode forth from Camelot.
He was not afraid to die,
Oh, brave Sir Karim!
He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways.
Brave, brave, brave Sir Karim.
He was not in the least bit scared of empty triangles.
Or to have his eyes gouged out, and his shape real' broken!
To have his tobi split, and his keima torn apart,
And his groups all hacked and mangled, brave Sir Karim.
His ko smashed in and his chains cut out
And his base removed and his boshi slaughtered
And his moyo raped and his dragon burned off
And his yos ---
Karim: That's... That's, uh... That's enough music for now, lads.

La Tomate last edited by LaTomate on December 26, 2006 - 14:30
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