Kim Miri
Keywords: People
Kim Miri (김미리, born 1991-03-24) is a female 4 dan professional player of the Hankuk Kiwon.
- On 2008-11-07, promoted to 1 dan.
- In 2009, was member of the Female Team in the 3rd Auction Cup and qualified for the Korean Baduk League, defeating Jiang Zhujiu.
- In August 2009, Kim Miri qualified for the 14th Samsung Cup (beating in the last rounds Rui Naiwei and Tang Yi).
- On 2011-06-03, promoted to 2 dan.
- In 2012, runner up of the 13th Women's Myeongin (losing 0-2 to Choi Jung).
Profile and photo at Hankuk Kiwon site