Kim Myeong-wan
Kim Myung Wan 김명완 (born 1978) is a 9d Korean professional who has taken up residence in the Los Angeles area as of 2008.
In Korea
- Became pro in 1994
- 7 dan in 2005
- 8 dan in 2007
- 9 dan in 2009
In 2005, he made the quarterfinals of the 10th Samsung Cup, before losing to Hu Yaoyu.
Other Records
1995 : Preliminary of B.C Card Cup. 1996 : Preliminary of B.C Card Cup & Myung-in Cup. 1998 : Finalist of B.C Card Cup. 1999 : Finalist of B.C Card Cup & Preliminary of Kuksu Cup. 2002 : Finalist of B.C Card Cup losing to Lee Sedol by 1:2, best of 3. 2002 : Preliminary of B.C Card Cup, Baduk King Cup and Kisung Cup. 2003 : Team of Bohae in Baduk League, 3rd player.
In the US
In 2008, he moved to the United States as a representative of the Korean Baduk Association to teach and promote go. While here, he has been involved in the effort to create an American Professional Organization in cooperation with Tygem and the KBA.
In 2008, he won the US Open with a score of 6-0, defeating Jiang Mingjiu by 1.5 points in the final round. In the 2009 and 2010 US Open, he again won with a score of 6-0.
At the US Congress 2008, he also played a historic demonstration game against MoGo running on an 800 processor supercomputer. With a 9 stone handicap, MoGo won by 1.5 points. At the 2009 congress, he played another demonstration game against Many Faces of Go running on 32 processors. Giving 7 stones handicap, Kim won convincingly by resignation.
His name is also written/transcribed Kim Myoung Wan.
anon - according to AGA E-Journal Volume 9, #30: June 16, 2008 - "Ming Wan Kim 8P, from Korea, who has just moved to Los Angeles." (I assume yet another alternate spelling, or misspelling)
Working and teaching Go on Dashn Go server
Currently works on WBaduk server, according to
Tartrate and Mymy
There has been speculation that Kim Myung Wan is Tartrate. See TartrateGossip number 15.
I heard many times that I am 'mymy'. I don't know why people believe that I am 'mymy'. I am NOT. Actually I played against mymy and won at KGS.
I currently moved to LA and hopefully will teach go here. -Myungwan Kim
According to , Mok Chinseok 9P plays as mymy on KGS.