
    Keywords: Go term

Sōfu (総譜) is the Japanese go term for a kifu that contains all the moves in one diagram.

Example: [ext] A game report in Asahi newspaper (Kyo Kagen - Yo Seiki, Meijin League 2024)

Printable game records at Go4Go are also examples of sofu.

Sofu can't be reproduced on Sensei's Library without using image files, because SL diagrams can show only 10 moves.

(Sofu is not unique to go. The term is also used for a full musical score.)

SteveKroon: Apparently, one can get an indication of a player's strength by the length of time it takes a player to play out a completed game of around 200-250 moves from an unknown sofu onto a board. Based on the comments of a 7-dan Japanese amateur, a 5-dan or better amateur will reliably be able to play out a game from a sofu in under 30 minutes. I observed him doing this and he took around 15 minutes. He mentioned that a 10 kyu might take as long as 3 to 4 hours.

Sofu last edited by hnishy on August 17, 2024 - 06:50
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