The following game is a game between Shao Zhenzhong 8p (W) and Zheng Hong 8p.
The original notation contains a series of errors in the beginning of the game, including some pretty ridiculous moves, due to a notation error. I have tried to fix the game:
This is the first diagram in the original notation. One move immediately seems off:
It seems that most of the errors in the follow-up notation are the result of this mistake, with the game recorder annotating their position relative to this move. All of the fixes that I have done involve shifting moves to the left, starting with this one.
Most of these moves don't make a lot of sense. is ridiculous.
From here on out, most moves make more sense, as they are not in this area. You will still see some occasional strange exchanges, however, for example:
If we move ,
all one to the left, so that it becomes a shoulder hit and follow-up sequence, the whole flow from
becomes natural.