Fukuoka Kotaro

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福岡 航太朗, b. 2005-12-22 in Yokyo, Nihon Ki-in professional 5 dan, pupil of Hon Seisen. Highest rated Japanese teenager.

Promotion history

1p 2019-04-01, 2p 2021-01-07, 3p 2022-01-01, 4p 2023-01-01, 5p 2024-01-01


  • Twice Children's Kisei, as the champion of the Lower Division in 2014 (in 3rd grade) and of the Upper Division in 2016 (in 5th grade)
  • Winner of the 1st (2019) Y's Academy Cup.
  • His winning percentage in 2021 was 76.4% (39-–12). It seems to have been the second highest of a Japanese professional in that year, after Tsuneishi Takashi's 76.9% (30-9).
  • Qualified into the C League of the 46th (2021-22) Kisei
  • In May 2022, he became one of the four members of the Ichiken study group on its foundation.
  • Semifinalist in the 2023 Shinjin O


Fukuoka Kotaro last edited by Jono64a on June 30, 2024 - 21:25
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