
Sub-page of DragonTourney2007

Here is the final pool setup for the second round of the handicap section of DragonTourney2007.

Fill in the game number when you have invited your opponent and the game has started.

"_X_" is the diagonal, "___" is games that don't exist yet, and "BSY" is an ongoing game. For finished games, we'll use "_1_" for a win and "_0_" for a loss. ">0<" stands for games that weren't started in due time and count for a loss for both players.


  • Handicap: Conventional handicap reduced by 2, limited to 9 stones, Standard placement
  • Komi: 6.5 if even game, 0.5 if not even game
  • Board: 19 x 19
  • Time: 3 months per player no byo-yomi
  • Rated: yes
  • Clock runs on weekends: yes
  • Games that are not started before the 31st of August will count as a loss for both players.

Handicap and komi to use

The ranks to be used are the current ranks (Those in the table)

If not nigiri, stronger player uses white%%% Please use the standard placement of handicap stones.

| difference in rank | #stones | komi |
|         0          |  nigiri |  6.5 |
|         1          |  nigiri |  6.5 |
|         2          |  nigiri |  6.5 |
|         3          |     1   |  0.5 |
|         4          |     2   |  0.5 |
|         5          |     3   |  0.5 |
|         6          |     4   |  0.5 |
|         7          |     5   |  0.5 |
|         8          |     6   |  0.5 |
|         9          |     7   |  0.5 |
|        10          |     8   |  0.5 |
|     11 and >11     |     9   |  0.5 |

salkkuman won't be able to play for a while and is withdrawing from the second round.

Final Pool

             [ext] _1_ [ext] _2_ [ext] _3_ [ext] _4_ [ext] _5_ [ext] _6_ [ext] _7_ [ext] _8_ [ext] _9_ [ext] _A_ [ext] _B_ [ext] _C_      Pts
1 MatCauthon [ext] _X_ [ext] >0< [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_   |  8/10 |  5k [ext] MatCauthon  Sodos 28
2 salkkuman  [ext] >0< [ext] _X_ [ext] >0< [ext] >0< [ext] >0< [ext] >0< [ext] >0< [ext] >0< [ext] >0< [ext] >0< [ext] >0< [ext] >0<   |  0/00 |  8k [ext] salkkuman
3 retesz     [ext] _1_ [ext] >0< [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_   |  6/10 |  6k [ext] retesz
4 csanders   [ext] _0_ [ext] >0< [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] BSY [ext] _0_   |  1/10 |  8k [ext] csanders
5 or2win     [ext] _0_ [ext] >0< [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_   |  3/10 |  1d [ext] or2win
6 lefrog     [ext] _0_ [ext] >0< [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] >0< [ext] _0_   |  3/10 |  7k [ext] lefrog
7 naptod     [ext] _0_ [ext] >0< [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_   |  5/10 |  3k [ext] naptod
8 Tiger59    [ext] _0_ [ext] >0< [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] >0< [ext] _0_   |  3/10 | 12k [ext] Tiger59
9 Lordyears  [ext] _0_ [ext] >0< [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _0_   |  3/10 |  7k [ext] Lordyears
A asterixnon [ext] _1_ [ext] >0< [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_   |  8/10 |  3k [ext] asterixnon   Sodos  31
B ithelog    [ext] _0_ [ext] >0< [ext] _0_ [ext] BSY [ext] _0_ [ext] >0< [ext] _1_ [ext] >0< [ext] _1_ [ext] _0_ [ext] _X_ [ext] _0_   |  2/10 |  6k [ext] ithelog
C shade      [ext] _0_ [ext] >0< [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _1_ [ext] _X_   |  9/10 | 14k [ext] shade   sodos  31

Shade has a sodos of 31 in case of loss in last game, in which case he is first because he won against asterixnon in their game.

DragonTourney2007/Round2Handicap last edited by on January 22, 2008 - 08:25
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