Deutsche Go-Zeitung

    Keywords: Books & Publications

The Deutsche Go Zeitung is the main magazine about Go in German. It is published 6 times a year by the German Go Federation with 48, 56 or 64 pages each issue. In 2006, it reached the milestone of its 80th published volume since 1909, when it was founded by Leopold Pfaundler. It wasn't published during the two World Wars.

Current editor is Tobias Berben from Hamburg who is also responsible for the [ext] website of the German Go Federation and has a Go publishing house and [ext] webshop together with Steffi Hebsacker.

The "Deutsche Go Zeitung" contains reports from tournaments and events around Germany, some international news, about 1-4 commented games (pro or amateur), some tsumego and miscellaneous announcements and articles.

Earlier editors include Franz-Josef Dickhut and Andreas Fecke (2001-2003), Christoph Gerlach (1994-2000), Tobias Berben (1988) and Klaus Fittges? (1985-1987/1989-1991).

PDFs are available [ext] here. However, beginning with 2/2012 and at least one year old.

Deutsche Go-Zeitung last edited by Dieter on June 18, 2019 - 13:32
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