A fine point: is better technique than playing the sente at first, because it gives White the chance to make a mistake [with at , letting Black jigo with the hane at the top].
Robert Pauli: (pointing at the diagram on the main page)
Locally best play isn't globally best play,
as everyone will find out sooner or later.
I like these miai values (even if I'm still struggling with them), however, would they help White in any way ??
Bill: Gee, maybe I am missing something, but the best local play seems like the best global play to me. (OIC. It depends on what you mean by best play. I think you mean optimal play. I had orthodox play in mind. The normally best local play differs from the best global play at or below temperature 1. They are the same above that.)
Robert Pauli:
Hmm, I'm ahead of the solution
in DGoZ 6/03, but . . .
(showing him both diagrams above and pointing at the second)
Locally best for the lower part, but missing the win.
Are you using some kind of mathematical never-ever-draw rules, Bill, or what am now I missing? ;-)
So, how do miai values direct White to choose the "inferior" move?
Bill: Here is what I mean:
After , White has - with sente, and Black has - with sente. This is 2 points better than the result above, starting with . With rare exceptions, W should play unless the remaining plays are very small.
( - is sente because of possible later threats against Black's group. But even if it is a 2 2/3 point gote instead of a 3 point sente, is still the normal local play.)
was my first thought, and then I wondered why this was a problem. ;-)