Chinese Superko

    Keywords: Rules

A play may not recreate a previous board position from the game by means of basic ko or Sending two, returning one. If a cycle arises in another way and neither player varies from it, the referee may declare a draw or require a replay.

This, according to the sixth meeting of the International Go Rules Forum, is what the Chinese rules were intended to specify.

Information taken from [ext]

The above seems a bit incomplete though. Prohibited repetition likely go beyond Sending-2 returning-1 and include any other similar shapes where one side loses more stones per cycle than the other (probable meaning of [ext] commentary on diagram 8). And the same source states that Moonshine repetition is forbidden as well (despite being prisoner-balanced).

Those official examples show Chinese ko practice very close to Japanese:

  • immediate basic ko recapture is forbidden
  • prisoner-unbalanced repetition and moonshine repetition is forbidden
  • normal balanced repetition (triple ko, eternal life etc.) can lead to draw or no result

jann: There was a recorded [ext] incident, where apparently the players mistook a moonshine life for a real triple ko, and played it in the main game phase (instead of letting the game proceed to a normal stop, claiming it dead). This led to draw on repetition, acknowledged by the referee, without a superko rule preventing it. In a similar spirit, the [ext] 1988 version of the text claims that moonshine life is dead (due to its repetition being forbidden), but also adds that this is (only?) "at the end of the game" (dia 3).

Chinese Superko last edited by jann on September 25, 2023 - 16:16
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