13 x 9 game 01

    Keywords: Ongoing game

This is an ongoing game on an experimental 13x9 goban.

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After every 10th move a duplication of the current game situation is required: In this case please copy and paste the current board and replace odd numbers by 'X' (for black stones), even numbers by 'O' (for white stones).

13 x 9 game (moves 71 to 80)  
Captured stones & komi (White's prisoners on top)  

HolIgor: Black concedes the ko because white has two ko-threats at the bottom and two at the top while black has two maximum.

The result: Black 27+1 = 20, White 23+3 + 6.5 = 32.5. White wins by 5.5 moku.

13 x 9 game (moves 61 to 70)  

HolIgor: As the result of the game is clear and nobody wants to play I finish it myself. If you think that either side could do better feel free to correct.

HolIgor: W6 is obvious and white still has 2 ko threats. The value of the move is 2.0 moku miai counting. Two black stones are added to the captured stones.

Klaus: Which Ko are you talking of?

HolIgor: Well, when black makes an atari on a stone in the center, white would prevent black's cut. This creates a ko. White will be very mean and try to get the last move before filling the ko and then will win the ko as well.

White cannot afford this.  

W2 and W4 lead to disaster.

Klaus: maybe your Quest for tedomari ist to frightening for me at this point, so I simply add a move first, and search for the perfect sequence later.... (B5)

HolIgor: As it is clear that White is ahead at moment (counting komi) the problem is just to play perfect yose. I am never content with the yose I play in my games. This is a good opportunity to practice, count the values of the moves, try to apply the theory and so on.

HolIgor: W4. 2.0 points miai counting. To finish this game in style we have to solve the problem of the last move (tedomari) and a possible half-point ko yet.

Klaus: According to my comments below, I think B3 is the biggest move left.

HolIgor: W2. I think that I made a pause long enough before the next move. Connecting is worth 3.5 points miai counting. Check it, please. This is larger than any of the gote moves on the left.

Ben Axelrod: B1, It's not over yet!

Klaus: I am not good at counting yose, but I want to try to judge the connection on the upper right.


+8 points (for White, circled) White gote

Capture + Defense  

1 captured white Stone and 6 Points circeled +5 points Black sente

Capture + tenuki  

It seems to be unreasonable big to ignore B3 here, so W4 is virtually forced!


1 captured white Stone and 2 Points circeled +1 but the capture was gote for black (This as well resembles Corner12ConnectionValue, if HolIgor wants to do so, all comments might be moved to his HolIgor explores yose page)

So the difference between a double gote play is /points, makeing the 3.5 points miai counting you mentioned. So the game continuation was the best orthodox play.


possible yose sequence  

(B7 at white+square)

If we compare this with the game, white is about 2,5 points bigger than in the game but black has sente. How much will this be worth? What is the biggest move left? Maybe the next move of the actuall game will help to solve this.

Klaus: Isn't a move at b8 worth 5 Points?

alternative W2  
counting W2  

Klaus: The alternativ W2 at b8 prevents 4 points at the squared spaces, and it captures a black stone:= 5 points deiri counting.

But it might be even bigger!

HolIgor: I corrected your statement above. The value of this move has been discussed here before. It is 2.66 miai counting if there is no threat to the life of the group. See Corner12ConnectionValue. Black might try to fight a ko but this is usually bad. Since black is behind in this game the ko option should be considered.

whole board analysis  

White can start a picnic Ko later and he is likely to win it! Whenever he connects at a, he treatens to capture the whole black group with the atari at b.

So we can assume the following local result, if white invested another gote move to start the Ko:

Judging the gote move  

So it is a 5 point gote with a 2 point gote follow up, which we can approximate with a 6 point gote alltogether. Right?

13 x 9 game (moves 51 to 60)  
Captured stones & komi (White's prisoners on top)  

HolIgor: W10. Just to finish the game.

Agt: B9.

HolIgor: W8. This move is larger than going for two stones in gote at the bottom. The two stones at the bottom are 2 points miai and the defence at the top is 2.66 as we all know.

Frs: B7 at H2 to prevent White G2.

HolIgor: W6. Hoping to end this in sente.

Frs: W6 at G2 would had been nice.

BenAxelrod: B5 - I looked back to see who made that awfull move at b1 and let Black invade... to my surprize, it was me. I am so ashamed. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

HolIgor: Did white lose anything?

Frs: Yes, one stone at B1.

HolIgor: PS: Is there komi?

frs: W4.

ChessWhiz: B3 - Looks like Black can hold things together and take some profit, too. *fingers crossed*

frs: W2.

Agt: B1 - Time to defend I guess

13 x 9 game (moves 41 to 50)  

Frs: W10 - Dared cut.

ChessWhiz: B9 - The logical response.

BenAxelrod: W8.

Agt: B7.

BenAxelrod: W6 - I don't think white has any chance to kill black on the bottom or cut, but i do think E4 is a good move for white.

Klaus: So me and Frs switch sides again, and I turn out to move for the losing party! B5 has got to be played. Trying to kill is very interesting.

Frs: W4 -- An attempt to kill Black at the bottom; forcing Black H4. White's threat is to cut Black via F3 and E4.

Ben Axelrod: B3.

Frs: W2.

Ben Axelrod: B1 -- not a big move, but required.

13 x 9 game (moves 31 to 40)  

Klaus: W10 -- White leads with one point (without counting komi). At least, that is what I counted, but I am not to good at counting.

Frs: B9

Klaus: W8

Frs: B7

Ben Axelrod: W6 -- atari.

Frs: B5

Klaus: W4

Frs: B3

Klaus: W2 continuing with sente endgame moves

Frs: B1

13 x 9 game (moves 21 to 30)  

Ben Axelrod: W10 -- That corner is mine!

Frs: B9 -- Prevents a monkey jump.

Klaus: W8 -- No cut, no fight. White should play big endgame moves now.

David: B7

David: Why are Klaus and Frs playing both sides??

Klaus: Sorry, if that bothers you. I will stop that and stay on the white side. B5 was used to keep the game going (and I thought, it was a good move anyway.)

Frs: Because I always try to play the best move, no matter if I play Black or White (or both colors). In my opion, there is nothing wrong in switching sides, but -ok- I should have earlier stated the main intention of this game: To experiment a little with 13x9, and to watch how it develops when anyone is invited to submit the next move. You may play both colors, but please don't submit the next move if you have already submitted the last move.

Ben Axelrod: W6 -- White can't cut, but can put the pressure on.

Klaus: B5

Klaus: W4 was no cut at all! White should have played at around E7 to split Black.

Frs: After W2, White needed to claim a little slice of terrotority. In my opion, W2 was a wasted move. Ok, W2 established a connection. But in my opion, there was no need to connect those stones or to give away (waste) the possible initiative for cutting (or claiming territority).

hopefully attaking 2 sides  

Klaus: You might be right, Frs! However, I had a plan, playing W2: after white has connected his stones, he threatens to cut at 3, 4 or a. I hoped, this might isolate and kill some black stones, but I am to weak to read it out. Any comments?

Frs: W4

Ben Axelrod: B3

Klaus: W2 White still needs to catch up, so the next move is going to be a severe cut (hopefully), but a save move first.

Frs: B1

13 x 9 game (moves 11 to 20)  

Klaus: W10

Frs: B9

Klaus: W8

Benjamin Geiger: B7

Klaus: W6 -- I just dicovered this page, so I thought I might add a move. (I hope not to disturb you.) Lets make it complicated!

Frs: B5 -- Ok, I'm shifting into Twixt mode, too: It's much easier for Black to connect sides vertical on the k-column than for White to connect sides horizontal on the 5-line. ;o)

Pedro: W4 -- I'll let you chose :)

Frs: B3 -- Which corner do you want?

Pedro: W2 -- That stone on the upper right corner is much too lose, but I think White needs to play safe for the time being.

Frs: B1

13 x 9 game (moves 1 to 10)  

Pedro: W10 -- the cut one point above W10 worries me, but cutting and connecting is what Go is all about.

Frs: B9, an aggressive corner invasion. White can choose if Black connects either to B3 or to B5. -- I also considered to play B9 at b to claim territory at the top ...

Pedro: W8 starting to make a safe base for W4.

Frs: Securing the bottom right corner with a large knight's move at B7.

incognito: W6

BIB: B5. Divide and conquer.

Frs: W4

Pedro: B3 what a strange board
also thought of F3 (a), but preferred B3 -- it's both a corner move, an approach move and (maybe even) an extension of B1.

Frs: W2

Pedro: B1, just a start.

Game settings

Komi: 5.5

Black: whoever submits a move :)
White: whoever submits a move :)

Game start: 2003-June-11

13 x 9 game 01 last edited by Unkx80 on November 25, 2009 - 18:46
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