3-5 point distant low approach

  Difficulty: Intermediate   Keywords: Joseki

BillSpight: In ancient games of a couple of hundred years ago, you would see this:

Distant low approach to 3-5  

The usual response was B2 at a; but sometimes at b. W1 may be the best approach play in certain circumstances. See OngoingGame2.


The 3-3 play is the obvious response to the distant approach. However, if Black as here starts in the corner with the 3-3 point, and White makes the low approach W2, B3 looks a little slow. To me that suggests that the symmetrical 5-3 approach to 3-5 is an acceptable way. Nonetheless, it has fallen out of favor.

dnerra: On the other hand, White would usually not approach a 3-3 stone with a low approach 3-3 point low approach. In the diagram, B3 might be a little slow, but W2 is too close to the very solid black position.

So W2 probably needs another move added now, probably a two-space extension at a. My impression is that Black has secured a little more territory than White with his two moves. (Everyone is welcome to disagree here!). So the conclusion would be that W2 is a special strategy dictated by surrounding positions.

For example, W2/White a might be an ideal expansion from an enclosure in the lower left. Or (in a later stage of the game) White could have very a strong position in lower left, so that she is planning White b instead of White a as a reply to B3.

DaveSigaty: I have had this played against me several times. Regardless of what the pros think, I believe that it is a viable approach at the amateur level that prevents Black from trying anything tricky.

(This much moved from 3-5 point.)

Charles A pincer, of course, is unexpected.

One-space high pincer!  

This unconventional pincer B1 was played a couple of times by top players (Yamashita Keigo, O Meien) in 2000.


In both cases this happened.

How about the 'very distant low approach'?

35113 enclosure  

Since W1 invites the very good play B2, this play is very rare. There are some classical examples of W1 played, effectively as a wedge, in the presence of black+circle.

In this case W1 at B2, B2 at W1 might look ideal for Black.

35113 enclosure  

All of the marked plays are found in pro games. In modern go the plays closer to the corner seem to be preferred.

3-5 point distant low approach last edited by CharlesMatthews on August 18, 2003 - 14:41
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