Alistair Turnbull
Occasional Go player (9 kyu BGA).
Programmer, working mainly for the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and more recently for Bank of New York Mellon. Co-author of OxCORT and CamCORS.
Author of an unremarkable Go-playing program based on the new UCT algorithm. You can download it here: . You will also need a GTP controller, such as GoGUI, which is free from and works on most OSs. The command to use in the "Attach program" dialogue box is "java -cp /path/to/go-v3.jar org.sc3d.apt.go.v3.UCTEngine". The program will play slowly and poorly, and then crash when it manages to look ahead to the end of the game. :-)
Author of another Go-playing program that played as I41Welcome on CGoS. This program is a prototype of a new Monte-Carlo algorithm based on learning local patterns. It seems to be competitive with UCT-RAVE, at least in the case of no expert knowledge, despite being considerably slower in terms of simulations per second.
Recreational mathematician. I'm developing an interest in Combinatorial Game Theory through my interest in Go computers.
I play as apt1002 on KGS and on DGS.
My Shusaku Number is at most 6: Honinbo Shusaku (0) -- Iwasaki Kenzo (1) -- Honinbo Shusai (2) -- Iwamoto Kaoru (3) -- Steve Fawthrop (4) -- Charles Matthews (5) -- Alistair Turnbull (6).