3-4 point low approach two-space low pincer, tenuki
If White ignores Black's pincer here, Black can continue with a or b. There are not many examples in contemporary pro games: but the variations are interesting.
When is played, White has answers at a, b and c. The wedge at a depends on a good ladder for White, otherwise Black at c may be strong.
This line is seen in Edo period games. The hanging connection to the second line of is typical good shape. The plays and are interesting: once White has the answer , rather than d, she stops worrying about cutting at the circled point. In the corresponding line for the one-space pincer, White is recommended to play at e, rather than the atari , accepting gote rather than give Black a thick outside position.
The game Rin Kaiho-Go Seigen 1963-11-18 continued this way (colours reversed). If is at , White a Black b then at starts a difficult fight. The and combination is interesting, though it is going back to patch up.