Forum for Small Chinese Fuseki

Korean style? Weiqi Tiandi, Iss. 7, 2010. [#3265]

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reply Korean style? Weiqi Tiandi, Iss. 7, 2010. (2016-08-11 14:32) [#10758]

Chinese: 韩国流布局 (Hán​guó​liú​bù​jú​)

The following discussion was from 2010 in regards to a 2010 comment in a Weiqi Tiandi issue that was then translated/interpreted into English.

Information from Weiqi Tiandi issue 7, 2010 review of the first game of the 11th Maxim Cup between Choi Cheolhan and Kang Dongyun. 布局到黑7,经典的韩国流布局。现在很多棋手喜欢把黑7下为A位,而黑9手角也喜欢在B位小飞,被称为迷你韩国流。

John F. Caution. It is too early to accept this at face value. This fuseki was played in both Japan and China long before the Koreans used it, and Chinese players would appear to be its strongest adherents at present. Also, though I haven't got my copy of that issue yet, the text quoted here doesn't seem to marry with the diagrams.

And, of course, the mini pattern was first used by Dosaku in Japan before being taken up by the Chinese.

Velobici: Thank you, John. I was hoping that you would lend your expertise here. Among other issues, my knowledge of Chinese is till very rudimentary. As I read it, the opening is plainly called the 韩国流布局 (either classic or mini) by Weiqi Tiandi. The diagrams above were created to illustrate the opening rather than to copy the text and diagrams directly from Weiqi Tiandi. Once the naming was questioned, I added the Chinese text. The actual diagrams and associated text is as follows:

第一普 1-14 (part 1)  

布局至黑7,经典的韩国流布局。现在很多棋手喜欢把黑7下为a位,而黑9守角也喜欢在b位小飞,被称为迷你韩国流。至黑15形成了多年前的经典布局。 ("a" is "A" and "b" is "B" in the article)

第一普 1-14 (part 2)  
第二普 15-26 (part 1)  

黑扳头打吃,是这个布局的后续变化之一。古力当年常下这个布局,不过黑15他比较喜欢现在a位跳。后来白有了真接23位点,黑位挡,然后白b位贴的手段,这个布局黑使用的频率越来越小了。 ("a" is "A" and "b" is "B" in the article)

第二普 25-26 (part 2)  

Korean opening  

The Korean opening or Korean fuseki is the opening pattern that is characterized by the black moves B1 B3 B5 B7 or a in this diagram. This is the "classic form" of the Korean opening. It is very similar to the Small Chinese Fuseki, differing only in the placement of B1, so some aspects of the strategy will be similar.

petri placement is exactly the same as in mini Chinese page? Stone 1 is placed on star point as well

Answer: The order of moves is different. This affects White's options with respect to an early approach move which would break up the mini-Chinese formation.

A common continuation  

B2 can be played at a forming the mini-Korean opening. Formerly, Gu Li often played as shown, recently he prefers to play B8 at b.

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