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Japanese Player Names [#1546]

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kb: Japanese Player Names (2008-09-12 17:48) [#5058]


Where did you get the kanji for all the Japanese player names? I have been trying to catalog Chinese and Korean player names by their Chinese names (identical or very similar to kanji) and would *love* to have a list like this. Great!!!

Kyle (kb)

velobici: Re: Japanese Player Names (2008-09-12 18:00) [#5059]

Found the list on the Internet somewhere....don't remember where. Since that time a number of folks have been kind enough to correct several of the names. Re: Japanese Player Names (2008-09-17 14:11) [#5071]

valerio sorry velobici, but i don't speack english. i have corrected your list from my list:




i hope you excuse me. i have a more complete list of chinese characters. your list is great! bye.

reply ((no subject)) (2008-09-13 01:29) [#5060]

John F. Just about every significant name in oriental go - writers, journalists, poets etc. as well as players along with extensive biographical data, is in my Onomasticon on the GoGoD CD, which was the source for most of the material on SL. Please note that I have asked that no further additions be made from this source.

velobici: John, does your list contain the same errors ? (2008-09-14 13:41) [#5061]

John, are you suggested that this information was taken from your CD ? That is false. You may wish to check the corrections that folks have made to the names on the list. Either you will find that you work has the same errors, or you would have to maintain that I deliberately introduced those errors. Googling the first name on the list "Abe Yoshiteru 安倍吉辉 (亦译做阿部吉辉)" provides the following link as the second item listed:

Now I don't remember if the list came from this site or from some other webpage. (Do you have a webpage like this list?

We all appreciate the work that you and T Mark Hall have done. Your CD is a remarkable source of information, but it is not the only source of information. Jumping to conclusions (2008-09-14 18:47) [#5062]

Velobici: You seem to be jumping to conclusions. I was merely answering Kyleb about the availability of a bigger list, but took the opportunity to add a reminder of something which is already on SL.

Most of the original names pages with mini biogs on SL were added by Charles Matthews who used the GoGoD CD for this purpose and says so somewhere on SL. It was becoming excessive and I asked him to desist (which he did, and also posted my request somewhere) and that is what the reminder relates to. (The original list of Korean name transcriptions is also from me but I provided that myself.)

I have no idea about any corrections made on SL. I attend only to my own list which, I hope, has few errors given that it has been 40 years in the making. Since I haven't looked, I can't say whether any lists you may be referring to on SL have errors.

I am not accusing anyone of anything, but simply asking for continued cooperation.

PeterHB: Lets be calm and hug some trees please. (2008-09-14 23:10) [#5063]

I believe NamesInGo is the page John F is referring to.

Velobici: "To the best of my knowledge, GoGoD does not have a single web page that lists Japanese players, their names romanized and their names in kanji."

PeterHB: I'm sure the above statement is true and accurate, as it is a statement of your knowledge. Perhaps a gentler sentence could be added after it stating that the primary author of GoGod, John F, has a different point of view. In the end its part of your home page, and so politeness prevents me from editing it against your wishes, but I would like to see the peace and fairness towards John F also continued.

I do not mean by this that adding and editing of names is wrong in some way. Clearly not. We just need to be extra carefull that we are not only doing the right thing, but being seen to do the right thing, which is tough. I do not have a copy of GoGod, but my impression is that you haven't done anything wrong. It is a tough standard, but we need to not only not copy from GoGod, but have it be obvious to bystanders that we are not.

It is also not my place to set the standard, but on the page SLCopyright Arno has stated: "SL aims at being a good netizen and tries to take a stand which is reasonable and acceptable to all parties."

X No imputations intended (2008-09-15 00:16) [#5064]

John F. I was puzzled by why Velobici should be so testy about what seemed a reasonable request, but I was also unaware, until picking up the clue in PeterHB's post, that Velobici had a list of his own. I now see that he has, and it since it a mixture of kanji and hanzi and has certain other mistakes, I can easily confirm it has no connection with the GoGoD Onomasticon, although I was making no such imputation. However, in my browsing I did notice he posted a translation of mine of a poem from Mindzine without my consent :)

I've said before, and this seems to be something else that I need to repeat periodically for a new generation of SL users, I don't like even friendly cross-posting of my web stuff to SL because it undermines my copyright, given the special nature of SL.

The layout of this page perhaps does not make it as obvious as it should that I was replying to Kyle, but in case he wonders, I was making no imputation about him either (or anyone else!) I accept also that I could have explained my request more (but it and the request about cross-posting still stand).

Yes, let's all hug a tree..

velobici: Please try to be clear. (2008-09-16 03:58) [#5068]

John, if you meant the Names in Go page, would it not be more appropriate to post your comment there, rather than here. You could leave here a reference to that comment, if you so wished. Given that Kyle commented here, it would be reasonable to ask oneself why Kyle would do that...perhaps there is a list of name here!

All of this could have been avoided had you indicated explicitly that which bothered you at the start. I don't like hugging resinous trees. Could we chose one that doesn't leak sap?

AViolet07: Japanese Name for GO Players (All of them were Shusaku opponents' name) (2009-12-24 06:22) [#6738]

This is my personal collection on the name of the Japanese. Both in Kanji and Romaji, hope it'll help here.

安田 栄齋 Yasuda Eisai Insei, Honinbo? 安田 秀策 Yasuda Shusaku Honinbo 桑原 秀策 Kuwahara Shusaku Honinbo 本因坊 秀策 Honinbo Shusaku Honinbo 板垣 忠藏 Itagaki Chuzo Yasui 堀 理三郎 Hori Risaburo Yasui 今井 半七 Imai Hanshichi Yasui 伊藤 松次郎 Ito Matsujiro Honinbo 土屋 秀和 Tsuchiya Shuwa Honinbo 本因坊 秀和 Honinbo Shuwa Honinbo 中川 順節 Nakagawa Junsetsu Inoue 本因坊 丈策 Honinbo Josaku Honinbo 石川 乙次郎 Ishikawa Otojiro Inoue 葛野 忠左衛門 Kadono Chuzaemon Inoue 太田 雄藏 Ota Yuzo Yasui 白木 助右衛門 Shiraki Sukeemon Honinbo 保田 金三郎 Yasuda Kinzaburo Honinbo 山本 金之助 Yamamoto Kinnosuke Honinbo 加藤 正徹 Kato Seitetsu Hattori, Inoue? 竹川 弥三郎 Takegawa Yasaburo Honinbo 岸本 左一郎 Kishimoto Saichiro Honinbo 鶴岡 三郎助 Tsuruoka Saburosuke Honinbo 安井 算知 Yasui Sanchi Yasui 真井 德次郎 Sanai Tokujiro Honinbo 水谷 順策 Mizutani Junsaku Mizutani, Honinbo? 伊藤 德兵衛 Ito Tokubee Honinbo 服部 正徹 Hattori Seitetsu Hattori, Inoue? 小倉 隆美 Ogura Takami Hayashi 味田村 喜三郎 Mitamura Kisaburo Honinbo 加藤 隆和 Kato Ryuwa Honinbo 安泉寺 葆真 Ansenji Hoshin Inoue 宝泉寺 葆真 Hosenji Hoshin Inoue 勝田 栄助 Katsuta Eisuke Honinbo 井上 因碩 幻庵 Inoue Inseki Gennan Inoue 井上 秀徹 Inoue Shutetsu Inoue 坂口 仙得 Sakaguchi Sentoku Sakaguchi, Yasui? 本因坊 丈和 Honinbo Jowa Honinbo 逸名 棋客 Itsumei Kikyaku Amateur 佐藤 运次 Sato Unji Insei, Yasui? 鬼塚 源次 Onizuka Genji Yasui 和田 金太郎 Wada Kintaro Insei, Honinbo? 鵜殿 德藏 Udono Tokuzo Honinbo 和田 一敬 Wada Ikkei Honinbo 伊藤 松和 Ito Showa Honinbo 井上 因碩 松本 Inoue Inseki Matsumoto Inoue 高山 三次郎 Takayama Sanjiro Honinbo 宮澤 吉太郎 Miyazawa Kichitaro Honinbo 村瀨 弥吉 Murase Yakichi Honinbo 关山 仙太夫 Sekiyama Sendaiu Amateur, Honinbo 森本 几右衛門 Morimoto Ikuemon Honinbo 征矢 政十郎 Soya Seijyuro Amateur 林 門入 柏荣 Hayashi Monnyu Hakuei Hayashi 奈良林 倉吉 Narabayashi Kurakichi Yasui 樋口 鐵藏 Higuchi Tetsuzo Amateur 坂口 鋠太郎 Sakaguchi Shintaro Sakaguchi, Yasui? 藤田 喜三郎 Fujita Kisaburo Unknown? 坂田 周之助 Sakata Shunnosuke Unknown? 葛野 龜三郎 Kadono Kamesaburo Honinbo 新井 忠次郎 Arai Chujiro Yasui 服部 一 Hattori Hajime Hattori, Inoue? 村松 春松 Muramatsu Shunsho Yasui 梶川 守礼 Kajikawa Shurei Honinbo 吉原 文之助 Yoshihara Bunnosuke Yasui 水谷 縫次 Mizutani Nuiji Amateur 山本 佐六 Yamamoto Samutsu Inoue 恩敬寺 Onkeiji Inoue 三神 豪山 Mikami Gozan Inoue 黒田 俊節 Kuroda Shunsetsu Hattori, Inoue? 山崎 外三郎 Yamazaki Sotosaburo Honinbo 木村 玄卜 Kimura Genboku Amateur 山名 栄喜 Yamana Eiki Honinbo 小澤 三五郎 Ozawa Mitsugoro Honinbo 海老澤 健造 Ebizawa Kenzo Yasui 二宮 快藏 Ninomiya Kaizo Unknown? 林 有美 Hayashi Yubi Hayashi 村瀨 秀甫 Murase Shuho Honinbo 向井 将曹 Mukai Shoso Amateur

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